550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 72

14,779 samples

Idea Art, Dadaism, and Duchampism

The founder of the movement, the poet Tristan Tzara, discovered the word "Dada" in the dictionary. In one of the African languages, it means 'the tail of a sacred cow,' and in some areas of [...]

The Pandemic: The Play

Such irrational fears may be exaggerated in the performers' actions to create a vivid contrast between the catastrophic atmosphere of the situation and the laughable shenanigans of the characters.

Traditional Sentencing Options

A judge may impose a penalty on the perpetrator according to the severity of the crime. In such instances, a convicted must pay a certain amount of money to the court.

The Significance of Myths Nowadays

To be honest, while identifying, researching, and developing the project, I discovered much information and realized the great significance of myths nowadays. Each step contributed to my understanding of the presence and significance of myths [...]

Behavioral Finance and Efficient Market Hypothesis

The behavioral factors involved in the investment market decisions are discussed here for identifying the importance of behavioral finance."Behavioural finance is the study of the influence of psychology on the behavior of financial practitioners and [...]

Technology in Medical Care

The growth in technology continues to make life easier to different people; in the medical field, technology has enabled medical practitioners to implant medical chips under the skin of patients containing medical information of the [...]

Probation in Texas: SWIFT Program

The article highlights that the traditional probation's orientation of allowing offenders to engage in repeat violations of their sentence conditions before having their probation revoked is no longer attractive as it reinforces a prison culture [...]

The U.S. Patriot Act and Controversy

The key components of the USA PATRIOT Act are characterized by a crosscutting reduction in the restrictions imposed on law enforcement entities curtailing their domain of influence in carrying out telephone, e-mail communication, medical and [...]