2 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 152

32,218 samples

Guns Should Be Banned in the Workplace

In conclusion, if the employers are unable to keep guns out of the workplace, then the situation can worsen having seen the trend and incidences of homicides at the workplace as a result of gun [...]

Team Sports: Benefit of Playing for Children

Hence this is very certain the participation of the children in team sports must be encouraged by the parent's to inculcate the quality of teamwork in them. It is very important to encourage the participation [...]

Business Ethics: The Principles

In a nutshell, when dealing with Joelle's case I will apply the following principles; the principle of autonomy, the principle of fidelity, the principle of beneficence and the principle of justice.

DNA in Criminal Investigations

In fact, it is possible to speak about the advent of a new field of criminalistics, DNA profiling. RFLP analysis is very discriminative, though, it is worth mentioning, that the samples have to be undamaged, [...]

Military Dictatorships in Latin America

Prior to analyzing military regimes in Latin America and the causes of their emergence, it is of crucial importance to understand the concept of dictatorship, because, it has many forms, and can be interpreted from [...]

“Sylvia’s Death” by Anne Sexton

The poem "Sylvia's Death" by Anne Sexton is devoted, as the title suggests, to the death of poet Sylvia Plath. The poem itself is like a monologue or a short speech devoted to Sylvia and [...]

Principles of Writing Skills

A person who is hesitant to read can never be a good writer, hence I have understood this important thing and I have been working upon it for quite some time now.

T. S. Eliot’s “Hollow Men”

Eliot employs the so-called exhausted poetic mode for the purpose of showing the corruptive nature of adherence to social mimicry, which results in the spiritual blindness, the loss of the ability to the perceive the [...]

The Pitfalls of Online Dating

These include the very real potential for deceit, interpersonal elements of physical attraction are absent in the online world and the time involved in interfacing with the computer reduces the ability of the individual to [...]

Nokia Aims Way Beyond Handsets

Therefore, Nokia very well has used this theory and tried to bring out new ways in which it can make the best use of the advantages it already has by being in the mobile phone [...]

Ethical Practices in the Workplace

The employer of this manufacturing company that Julie works for as well as others in the administration should be accountable on an individual level for implementation of the programs of the affirmative action that will [...]

Walt Disney Company Analysis

The company has hosted "thousands of training sessions around the world" in groups, large and small and even one a one-to-one basis to ensure that the training and development of employees occurs efficiently and effectively.

Information Technology in Business

Imagine a news channel where work is done in a very fast pace, in coming of information, screening and sorting it out, getting them edited, capturing proper footages, stopping on air program to break the [...]

The Theory of Criminalization

Thus it is anchored on the notion that criminal law exists for the purpose of deterring public wrongs in doing so the theory is emphatic that criminal conviction stands as long as the defendant has [...]

A Passion for Business

Finding ways to keep a business afloat is of the utmost importance these days as even Wall Street and the international banking and business industries continue to reel from the effects of decades of mismanagement [...]

Incest: Marrying Close Relatives

The incest taboo is one of the most ordinary of all cultural laws both in modern states and many past communities with authorized penalties compulsory in some jurisdictions.

Isaac Newton and His Life

The process of science is very successful in all areas of Endeavour of human being because it is open and ideas are exchanged freely with a lot of knowledge that is available to everyone.

Early Christian & Byzantine Art: Basilica

After the Empire of Roam was Christianized, the basilica contributed to church construction that is currently used by the Pope. The basilica which constituted adverse architectural styles was mostly used in cathedral and church scenarios.

Biology: Coral Reef and Its Diseases

The stresses that affect coral reefs can include changes in water temperature, differences in the amount of ultraviolet radiation they are exposed to and the amount of sedimentation and pollutants that settle in and around [...]