2 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 170

40,326 samples

“The Way West” by Mona Mansour

The mother is declaring bankruptcy, and as her life falls apart, she tells stories of her life and discusses the meaning of the American dream in the modern context with allusions to the Oregon Trail [...]

Jack Ma: A Humble Visionary

Transformational leadership requires abilities that allow the leader to recognize the need for change, to create a leadership vision to guide that change through inspiration and to execute the change effectively together with the delegates [...]

Abbasid Era in the History of the Islamic World

The Abbasids rule could be considered one of the turning points in the history of the Islamic world. Powerful Caliphs initiated the rise of industry and the agricultural sector to guarantee the stability and growth [...]

The History of Welding

Welding, which is "the fusion of material by the use of heat," dates back to the Middle Ages. Nevertheless, arc welding developed only after the invention of the electric generator in the middle of the [...]

Can a Person Choose to Be Happy?

The first reason why people can choose to be happy is that even in sad circumstances, they can remember positive experiences and improve their mood. Despite the circumstances, it is possible to remain happy when [...]

Atrazine Herbicide Investigation

Being one of the most commonly applied pesticides in the world, atrazine could trigger the development of numerous undesired processes that would significantly deteriorate the health of the nation and pollute the environment.

Roman Civilization’ Analysis

This paper will describe the Roman civilization, some important moments in its history, and how it interacted with Islamic civilization. Some of the most important parts of Roman history are related to the changes in [...]

The Politics of Abortion

The second entry will be on the politics of abortion in the last year. In 2017 the politics of abortion had changed significantly compared to that of 2003.

Women Rights: New Data and Movements

For example, whereas the women's health rights movement is a global affair, the fact that events related to the movement are mainly held in the US means that other countries do not feel the impact [...]

Life on Other Planets

The researchers have analyzed the microscopic life that exists in areas of extreme heat, where water supply exists in the form of salt lakes.

Astronomy: the Nature of Life

One of the most interesting features of thermophilic bacteria is their ability to survive in the conditions of extreme heat. The first article, written by Christopher Brooks, analyzes some of the organisms on Earth that [...]

The Search for Other Solar Systems

Updates to Exoplanets.org" provides information about the number of exoplanets currently discovered, the means of discovering them, and miscellaneous information that was extracted during observations.

Women in Art: Yayoi Kusama, Maya Lin, Zaha Hadid

In her autobiography, Kusama says that "deep in the mountains of Nagano," where she was born in 1929, she had discovered her style of expression: "ink paintings featuring accumulations of tiny dots and pen drawings [...]

Calvin Jones Big Band Jazz Festival

The most interesting feature of the show was the participation of bands from three different colleges the University of the District of Columbia Jazz Ensemble, the Howard University Jazz Ensemble, and the University of Maryland [...]