5 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 61

12,606 samples

Customer Behavior and Marketing Principles

Using the cases of Amazon and Zappos, this author maintains that satisfying clients via better services can change their perceptions of an organisation's products and services to the extent of making voluntary purchasing decisions. Those [...]

Cyber Crime in the U.S. and Nigeria

A case analysis is offered below, discussing the American justice system, violations of the law in both the U.S.and Nigeria, the collaboration of the international and local agencies, and the outcomes to this investigation.

Scene Analysis from the “Deadpool” Film

With this in mind, it is advisable to introduce the term communicative elements of film production, understanding those elements of film production, the presence or absence of which affects the probability of the viewer perceiving [...]

Claudio Monteverdi in Bel Canto Culture Context

At present, when art is becoming the art of interpretation, for an adequate "reading" of the creations of the past, it is necessary to address the experience of those composers who determined the main traditions [...]

New Belgium Brewing Case

Additionally, the company's participation as part of a scheme towards the improvement of social coexistence significantly influences consumer perception and the use of the company's products.

Job Loss and Career Counseling Strategies

Key components of the assignment the introduction, the discussion on the subjects' stages of career development, the identification of job loss consequences, recommendations for appropriate assessment and counseling strategies, and considerations of client advocacy.

The Uniform Crime Statistics Over 5 Years

Based on Table 3, Table 4 has been created to show the percent change in rate per 100,000 inhabitants. Table 5 shows the estimated rates of different categories of crime in Smooth Town per 100,000 [...]

Future of Sneaker Culture

The present paper is an attempt to answer the question of whether sneaker culture is a long-lasting phenomenon or the popularity of the subculture will soon deteriorate. In short, sneaker culture is gaining popularity due [...]

Modern Hunter-Gatherer Societies

Some of the best-known hunter-gatherer societies are the Mbuti of the Ituri Forest in central Africa, the San of the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa, and the Copper Inuit of the Arctic in North America.