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Fashion in the 1960’s

Fashion era in the 1960s was the shaping factor for the adolescent group and the leaders of the new fashion. This is different people wanted different colors for the kind of clothes they wore, so [...]

Classical Dance: Term Definition

In Plutarch's work, when Theseus and the other Athenian youths escape from the Minotaur, they participate in a dance of celebration."The dances of the ancient times are characterized as dances of war or dances of [...]

Music Education Process Analysis

Music education has had contributions from traditional and modern philosophers This field is guided by three philosophies but this paper will concentrate more on two; praxial music education and aesthetics music education and how the [...]

Epistemological Turn On Knowledge

An epistemological turn is a philosophical term which in the history of philosophy, refers to the shift in philosophical attention from the classical and medieval focus on themes of metaphysics to a primary focus on [...]

Eugene Atget: Biography Review

I wanted to show that big city life is often some labyrinth of reflection, and it is often very difficult to distinguish between the imaginary world and reality.

Lesson Pacing in Classroom

For the English learning students' class, the lesson has to be paced in accordance to language and intellectual abilities unlike in the other case without English learners. The movement of content from the teacher to [...]

Guess’ Website: Design Analysis

The brand's name is, however; written in a glaring red color and large font which immediately attracts the attention of the reader and the red color acts as a sharp contrast to the muted colors [...]

Brucella Abortus: Biological Review

Cattle are the main infection reservoir, and infection transmits from animals to humans, rarely from one person to another. In other animals, fistulous bursitis with isolation of Brucella abortus from the track is the cardinal [...]

The Bailout Plan Analysis

The economic principle that the article is trying to address is that the US government should encourage the growth of savings and stimulate investment as a long term solution instead of blindly increasing the Federal [...]

Circuit City Bankruptcy Analysis

Since most of the retail sales are carried out on the basis of credit; around 75 per cent, the consumers have had to cut back on their spending and hence, the retailers have had to [...]

X-Copper: Value Chain Analysis

The firm has the needs of the clients at their heart and that's why they provide professional services in order to ensure that the clients receive a positive outcome to their legal problems. First the [...]

Individual Rights vs. Public Order

The disadvantage of public order is that it protects rights of the society but violates rights of individuals. Public order violates indicial rights in favor of social and public rights and the rule of law.

What Makes a City Livable?

Livability of a city is determined by availability/access to or lack of social amenities, good environmental factors like sensitivity of the local authorities to eliminate or reduce pollution, and the beauty of a city including [...]

A Support for Dress Code Policy

Dress codes issues in America have been serious to an extent that students have historically taken school administration to courts because of infringing on individual free expression contained in the 1st and 14th amendments.