1300-Word Essay Examples

1,220 samples

Women and Beauty

Sontag is one writer who has written on the issue of women and beauty in one of her essays 'A woman's Beauty: Put Down or Power Source?' She discusses the plight of women in the [...]

Interaction Design

The interaction designer is able to identify the needs of the users by first understanding the tasks that the users will be undertaking while using the system.

The Sperm and the Egg

The whole process of multiplication involves two elements, that is, Jack the sperm and Alice the Egg. Between Alice's house and the airport where Jack and his buddies alighted there is a big lake that [...]

The Path of Light

The fundamental difference between light waves and other types of waves is in the ability of light waves to travel in a vacuum.

Legally Blonde: The Female Ambition

Movies like "Legally Blonde" reinforce the idea that a woman's primary objective in life is to get a husband and get married and that a woman's intelligence, capabilities and talents are of not much use [...]

Community Hazard Analysis

Besides, the paper determines potential, direct, and indirect social and economic costs, effects, acceptable risk level, and identifies appropriate risk reduction opportunities in the city of Georgia.

Drama on Stage and Screen

First of all, Trevor Nunn wanted to make sure that the audience could easily of the movie the plot of the movie; this is why he rearranged the scenes and added new ones.

The Colonial War in Southwest Africa

In the article "German Military Culture and the Colonial War in Southwest Africa, 1904-1907", Isabel Hull states that the reaction of the German militaries to the revolt in Southwest Africa can be classified from the [...]

Robert Frost’s Fear Poetry

In Sheehy's article, Lawrence Thompson notes that the ultimate problem of Frost biographer is to see if the biographer can be enough of a psychologist to get far enough back into the formative years of [...]

The study by Wolfgang Kersten and Jan Koch

The authors discuss several important issues, in particular, the measurement of service quality in logistics companies and its overall effect on the functioning of these enterprises. From their standpoint, the results derived in the course [...]

Tourism in Bario community

The state of Sarawak in the eastern part of Malaysia has embraced different forms of tourism such as research tourism, cultural tourism, adventure tourism and development conferencing in to bring economic empowerment in the community.

Future Perspectives of Globalization

Globalization despite being seen as occurring "out there", away from the daily lives and activities of women, the global economic and political effects have been evidenced in the struggles and lives of women and other [...]

Marketing Research and Perceptual Maps

The study also integrated the concept of perceptual mapping so as to understand the consumer's perception regarding the various brands of wrist watches. The opinions of the respondents in the 2nd survey were used to [...]

HR Department and Employee Relations

Some of the responsibilities of the employee relation include; enhancing quality and efficiency of all workers in the organization, establishing and maintaining positive relationship between the management and the employees of an organization, handling conflicts [...]

“Monster” by Patty Jenkins

An examination of the budget for the film shows that a total of $8 million was used in filming Monster as such the sparseness may either be due to the limited budget or the intentions [...]

Art in Public Spaces

The following essay examines a piece of public art and the space it is found in order to discuss art, beauty and the purpose of public art.

Business and Strategy Manager Job

The essential elements at this level are the message passed on to the potential employees, which are in the form of advertising and include the job description and the qualifications for the right candidates.

Small Business Management

In order to start a business, one need to have a business idea, know the product services to sell, have the required resources, know how to pay oneself and have the right skills to run [...]

Risk Management in Corporate Governance

A good corporate governance structure establishes the mechanisms to attain accountability between the executives and the shareholders so as to protect the interests of the various stakeholders. It is also the role of the management [...]

Humor in the Workplace

The findings of this paper can be important from theoretical and practical perspectives: on the one hand, they can better explain those forces which govern the relations among colleagues; while on the other hand, they [...]

Effects of Video Games

In the United States, a study conducted to ascertain the effects of computer games on the performance of students proved that PlayStations and other video games such as Xbox Video affects the concentration of children [...]

Greek Bank Transformation

The analysis involved extensive interviewing of the high rank employees in the bank including the CEO, the president, the vice presidents, the directors and, the top managers.