1450-Word Essay Examples. Page 7

2,215 samples

The Formation of the Contemporary Art

The painting created by Wilfredo Lam, one of the famous representatives of Modern Primitivism, represents the image of primitive way of life and depiction of early beliefs of Afro-Cubans.

“Does It Matter?” by Siegfried Sassoon

These are the results of warfare and ignorance and indifference of the society and even the immediate families of veterans. The use of "Does it matter" is ironic since the veterans are essential people, and [...]

Reflective Analysis of Poverty

It can be further classified into absolute poverty where the affected do not have the capability to make ends meet, and relative poverty which refer to the circumstances under which the afflicted do not have [...]

Discussion of the Issue of Criminalization

For example, in a developing country, polluting the environment by the transport industry may not be criminalized because it is very basic and the people do not have a choice but to use transport means [...]

Property and Computer Crimes

In United States, jurisdiction of kidnappers is based on the length and purpose of the kidnap, for example if one individual abducts another person for the purpose of ransom, such kind of a kidnap is [...]

Transnational IT Operations

Additionally, any organization that is planning to go global would best opt for the adoption of "transnational organization" as the model for making enterprises at a multinational level The field of transnational information technology has [...]

Fiscal Policy and Stimulus

The rationality of a fiscal policy is also observed when the government informs the population of its budget and the concept behind coming up with that kind of a budget, which is a regular process [...]