1600 Word Essay Topics & Paper Examples. Page 2

1,773 samples

How We Approve Others

This would have improved the quality of lives for the Sri Lankans and boosted the people's confidence in the government. Good opinions, to some extent, improve our analysis ability as presented in the decision above.

The World War I

The war brought to the fore various issues which had been in the air in the end of the nineteenth century and in the beginning of the twentieth century.

The sales force organization

The organization of the sales force helps the organization to choose the channel, which will be most appropriate in marketing the products. The organization of the sales workforce also determines the assigning of roles to [...]

Satre human freedom

Sartre continues to explain that freedom is the central factor in human beings and it is permanently connected to the "for-itself" or consciousness. In the end, Sartre's definition of freedom is that it is the [...]

Cons of the Media

The media also known as the fourth state plays an instrumental role in keeping the public informed of what is happening locally, regionally and even beyond the borders as well as keeping the other three [...]

Print Your Gun at Home

Modern researchers and public safety professionals agree that, coupled with the enormous information-disseminating power of the Internet, 3-D printers have the potential to turn gun manufacturing into a home-based industry, and banning 3-D-printed guns would [...]

Training and Development in Small Businesses

A substantial number of researchers in the field of business and economics denote the essence of understanding and diversifying activities in the contemporary business environment as one of the means of ensuring that the performance [...]

Gramsci’s Theoretical Work

Hall continues to say that, "Gramsci felt the need of new conceptualizations at precisely the levels at which Marx's theoretical work was itself at its most sketchy and incomplete: that is, the levels of the [...]

Mesopotamian Civilization

The history of this great land can be traced through looking at the history of different people who occupied it who included the Sumerians, the Akkadians, the Amorites, the Hitites, the Kassites, the Assyrians, and [...]

Bollywood Film Industry

This has popularized Bollywood films outside India making Bollywood a great exporter of films to about 95 countries in the world, with the majority importers of these films being Canada, UK, and US. The dancing [...]

The film Eastern Promises

The major beliefs addressed in the film are that although the evil always seem to have its way most of the time, the good always prevails in the end.

Tourism in Japan

The tsunami covered a distance of about 23 feet from the coast of the country in the northern part of the country causing thousands of deaths and destruction of properties.

The Bunker Hill Monument

The staircase is spiral and is constructed in the inside of the monument up to the pinnacle. The only option that was feasible was to sell the acquired parcels of land to raise the required [...]

Republic of China towards Taiwan

Therefore, the next discussion not only gives the summary of Murray's book but also focuses on the impact of the Republic of China towards the political, economic and social development of Taiwan.

Human Resource Information System

It also has management information system for analysis of the human resource data and finally the decision support system, which provides information to support the decisions made by the organisation. The second application of the [...]

Ten Programming Languages

The discovery and meteoric development of the computer enabled the development of the modern high-level programs, which have significantly changed the world of computing and influence various aspects of peoples' lives in the 21st century. [...]

Importance of interview

This should be estimated based on what the firm can be able to afford at the time as salary to the additional employees, and the anticipated productivity of the individual to the output of the [...]

The Problem of Codes of Ethics

If the code of ethics includes those principles which can be considered as the code of conduct in the context of the definite profession, the notion of the code of ethics becomes meaningless.

The hostage’s situation

Judging from the hostage's situation, my role would be to directly engage the hostage taker in negotiations in order to harness the situation and conduct psychological profiling of the victims and the host taker.

The Portrayal of Otherworldly Spaces

One of the main motivations, which prompt people to read fiction-novels and to watch movies, which contain the motifs of otherworldliness, is the fact that, while being exposed to these literary and cinematographic works, individuals [...]

Team Building and Facilitation

It further discusses group work in detail by focusing on concepts of team buildings, the life cycles of teams, types of teams, advantages of team focus in an organization, how to build effective teams and [...]

The Cause of the Crime

Since it takes a lot of time and resources to get involved in crime, it is evident that involvement in crime is entirely due to decision of the person to gain the rewards that are [...]

Gold’s Production and Processing

However, it is this severity of the social as well as the environmental issues associated with the production of the mineral that has generated a big concern from the global authorities leading to interventions of [...]

Born Red – The Chinese Cultural Revolution

The actions of the learned and the Chinese administration from the start of the People's Republic to the Hundred Flowers Bloom era in 1956 were characterized by a certain trend, which included the division among [...]

Field Theory Application

The theory enables firms' management to establish the various forces that may affect the change process. The theory is applicable in organizational development and change management in that it enables firm's management teams to understand [...]

Ocean Currents: General Information

There are generally two types of ocean currents depending on the water level where the movement of oceanic water takes place and they are the deep ocean currents and the surface ocean currents.

Marketing Plan: The Sketchers Shape Ups

The advertising and promotion plan will require the company to spend more than what its competitors will spend to enable it to gain a competitive advantage. The company's vision will be to be the leading [...]

Ethnicity Problems in United States

In this regard, the most effective way of fighting against racial discrimination was through political participation. In this regard, the most effective way of fighting against racial discrimination was through political participation.