300 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 4

4,948 samples

Terrorism Definitions by the Global Community

Moreover, the geographies of state terror can be divided in to communal, individual, and geographic space; the last is mainly well-known when contrasted to non-state terror because of its correlation to human uniqueness, the destruction [...]

Importance of Interpersonal Communication

In terms of future professional practice, I would ensure that I observe the following strategies to enhance my interpersonal communication based on the knowledge about the significance of interpersonal relationships: Avoidance of conflicts- this is [...]

Law and Legal Institutions Analysis

The courts of the English king established laws that became laws of precedence for future courts, which would refer to such laws while determining other cases. Some countries which were colonized by the Europeans retained [...]

CH2M Hill as the Most Ethical Company

The Ethisphere Institute points out that CH2M Hill is among the leading companies in the world that encourage a culture of transparency and ethical practices throughout the company's departments. CH2M Hill allows its employees to [...]

Principles of Color Printing

The reason is the invention of the CMYK process, which allows the approximation of the colors permitted by the RGB system typically used for digital colors with a smaller array that can be printed using [...]

Thanksgiving Day and Its History Myth

This event is treated as the first Thanksgiving dinner, which started a tradition that is a couple of centuries old. In addition, there are doubts that the festival could be organized in November since the [...]

Educational Psychology Theories for Nurses

The major educational psychology and learning theories are behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. Educational and learning theories help nursing educators to enhance their students' learning outcomes through the use of the most effective strategies that improve [...]