350 Word Essay Topics & Examples. Page 10

3,266 samples

Physics: The Frame of Reference

Thus, it is seen as a set of tools for studying the motion of objects in space in simple words. However, not only such a system is of practical value for studying the dynamics of [...]

American Health Care Act: Summary of Key Provisions

The same year features that improved quality and lowering costs of healthcare were implemented; as well as attempts for the enhancement of availability of Affordable Care, which included "providing access to insurance for uninsured Americans".

Glucose and Its Importance in Biology

Among them are galactose and fructose, with galactose being the optical isomer of glucose, while fructose is the structural isomer. On the contrary, while glucose and fructose can be found in natural sugars, especially in [...]

Discussion on Speech Four Genres

The four genres of public speaking include ceremonial speaking, demonstrative speaking, informative speaking, and persuasive speaking. As a result, his appeal failed and the audience showed disapproval of his speech.

An Analysis “Harrison Bergeron”

Despite the fact that the author tries to portray an equal society, it is discriminatory since it ensures equality through suppression of citizens' rights, while the current American society espouses the equality of opportunity."Harrison Bergeron" [...]

Sales Forecasting in the Oil Industry

The first factor affecting sales forecasting for the oil industry is based on the fundamental rule of supply and demand that defines the prices on the market and interactions between sellers and buyers.

Discussion of Social Control of Perpetrators

Historically, the first form of social control over the perpetrators was the infliction of special mutilation on them. In addition, the people, knowing about the criminal the past of a person included in the registers, [...]

The Loneliness Pandemic in American Youth

Loneliness contributes to poor health and unhealthy lifestyles such as social media addiction and damaging activities. Causes of loneliness include feelings of alienation, minimal physical interactions with others, differences in hobbies and lifestyles, and few [...]

Human Impact on Seismic Activity

In this particular case, the review argues that the induced seismicity origin of human impact is overstated. Researchers and academics may agree that insufficient or incorrect media intervention in the field of induced seismicity is [...]

Child Poverty in the United States

The causes of child poverty in the United States cannot be separated from the grounds of adult poverty. Thus, it is essential to take care of the well-being of children living in poverty.

Review of “Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom”

From the youth, Mandela started to handle the unfairness of isolation and racial relations in South Africa. In Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, Chadwick's masterful screen memoir of Nelson Mandela passes on the anguish as [...]

Researching Socrates and His Ideas

The philosopher greatly argued for self-awareness and knowing oneself, and in the process of self-knowledge, discovering the true nature of who one is and one's identity, "once we know ourselves, we may learn how to [...]