400 Word Essay Examples. Page 6

1,679 samples

Researching of Reshoring Companies

Walmart is one of the companies that have decided to restore their manufacturing back to the U.S. The company used to have its manufacturing units in Taiwan and China and sell the product in the [...]

Upanishads and Tao Te Ching Texts

Upanishads and Tao Te Ching texts represent conventional and ancient guiding concepts of Hindus and Chinese religions, respectively. Tao appears as a law or guiding God and supreme reality, while Brahman is the supreme creator [...]

Society, Culture, and Civilization

Thus, culture is a flexible feature of non-animal communities that penetrates their subsistence and helps to adjust to the surroundings. The last concept, civilization, is the consequence of the constant changes of the first two [...]

Transportation Policy and Changes

The second study analyses the disruption within the supply chain of transportation of products and the effect of the policies that are currently implemented. Second, the responses to changes in policy and infrastructure of transportation [...]

MacDonald’s New Service Standard

In particular, the author speaks about the decision to reduce the amount of time which is needed to serve clients in the so-called "drive-through" parking spots. This is one of the main pitfalls that should [...]

Nervous System and Human Capacities

The central part of the system is located in the brain and spinal cord, and all reactions appear there, while the peripheral one operates all over the body to deliver the signals to the organs.

Aspects of a Statistical Report

To choose the participants of the study, the sampling method was used to represent the entire population. In the study, as shown in below, the empirical rule, the lowest numbers for 68%, 95%, and 99.