550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 46

18,509 samples

Effectiveness in Advising Clients

Questions Effectiveness Do you feel upset? This question is rather efficient as it addresses two key goals at the same time, first and most obvious, it appeals to the emotions of the person, therefore, allowing the latter to understand that feeling negative emotions is not a character flaw, but an acceptable phenomenon that can be […]

The Relation Between Poverty and Justice

Is there justice and fair treatment for poverty-stricken people during the process of criminal justice? To find out the likelihood of poverty-stricken individuals to be incarcerated compared to middle-class individuals.

Indians in the 19th Century vs. Gay’s Struggle Today

The plight of American Indians in 19thcentury The present plight of the gay struggle for acceptance Legislations The Dewes Severalty Act of 1887 was passed on February 8th, 1887, with an intention to allot lands to individuals (Nichols 125). It was perceived that by allocating lands to Native Americans, the government would not have to […]

Logo for World Wildlife Fund

It is one of the biggest organisations in the world which cares about the future of our planet, trying to protect animals from the extinction and to save our planet for the future generations.

Planet Earth and Deserts

Attenborough starts by stating that deserts cover one-third of the Earth, and they are not always hot because of the external factors such as the Siberian winds, for instance, and because of the extreme changes [...]

Tasks of New Business Starting

The author of the article proceeds by acknowledging that another critically important requirement for an individual intending to start a new venture is to delineate the short-term goals and align them with the long-term goal.

Automated Scheduling Solution Benefits

Due to the weakness of the current scheduling system, the automated scheduling system will enhance even distribution of schedules and boost the healthcare organization to meet its operational budget objectives.

George Orwell: The Kolb Model

It is evident that the survival of the elephant depends on the decision that Orwell will make. The first stage of the Kolb Model is reflected where Orwell tries to describe his feelings after being [...]

The End of the Cold War

Analyzing Gorbachevs actions and his incentives in the economy of the USSR, it is possible to conclude that the primary aim of these actions was the destruction of the welfare of the country, the growth [...]

What Can I Do About Prejudice?

Now that I have realized with the help of my younger sister that being young or old does not make a person any less intelligent, professional or responsible, I suppose that I am ready to [...]

The Movie “Normal” Analysis

It is very much tied to the message of the movie, which is to educate people that there are individuals who struggle with the problem of acceptance and reassurance from others.

Art Theft in South Africa

In the article, Massie points out that art theft is a profitable trade in many parts of the world, just like drug trafficking and the illegal sale of firearms.

Spies Like Us: Studies Analysis

The guinea was engaged largely in fishing activities leading to Ellis giving them the nickname 'Fishnecks' to conceal their identity in her study report. The study helped to show the poor living conditions and quality [...]

Public Shaming and Justice

The basic principle of this strategy is that shaming is designed not just to condemn a guilty person but also to take specific measures to correct the current situation and prevent crimes in the future.

Developmentally Appropriate Programs

The program also addresses the issues of diversity and conflict management in the classroom by enhancing social interaction skills. The materials and activities are adjusted to the individual needs and learning patterns of particular children.

End of Life Planning

However, if the care is expensive, and it is clear that I will not make it, I do not want my family to spend their money to prolong my life by a few days or [...]

Photography: A Cultural History

In the middle of the 1850s, there were many photographers, whose projects caused people's admiration, and the works of Edouard Baldus, Imperial Library of the Louvre, and Roger Fenton, Rievaulx Abbey, may be considered as [...]