550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 8

18,509 samples

The Beggar King of Ithaca

When it comes down to a physical fight, Odysseus has all might to win but his wisdom and graces serve as a conscious and willing determination to be morally correct and he acts as a [...]

Bipolar Illness and Creativity

People should remember that bipolar disorder can be a very dangerous illness that is more likely to harm the creative capacity of an individual, rather than promote it. First of all, the author believes that [...]

Teaching grammar and CLT

Reading of Nassaji and Nunan researches shedding light upon the issues of the form-focused and communicative approaches to language teaching was helpful for enhancing my awareness of the problem and strengthening my persuasion that the [...]

National Health Services in UK

The increase in the number of patients per year is estimated to be 60,000 people, which means that the cost of taking care of affected people is bound to increase significantly over the years.

Greek Gods

The second aspect of the relationship between the Greek gods and humans is that the gods sought to influence human action to achieve their own "divine" ends.

Role of an Integrator

The industry includes transportation companies involved in logistics and supply chain activities."The supply chain process entails the activities involved after the purchase of raw materials to the delivery of products and services to the consumer".

Copyright Infringement

Copyright infringement refers to the act of using copyrighted works without the authority of the owner thus infringing their rights to reproduce or distribute the material.

Burning: Poetry Explication

One of the details that attract the attention of the readers is that the writer does not following a specific musical pattern while writing this poem.

Young Australians and Racism

Most of the migrants into the country continue to face higher chances of experiencing a racist incident in the country. From the very start, most of the migrants into the country will always find it [...]

Self Help Skills for 4 Year Old

However, the pace of development varies from child to child. At the age of 4, a child develops certain self-help skills that foster independence and heralds the phase of self-responsibility.

Children Internet Protection Act

The Child Internet Protection Act demanded that schools, institutions and library that offered internet services to underage children and using Educational Rate discounts and grants that were made through the Library Services Technology Act, were [...]

Dharma in Hinduism

Therefore, various Hindu translations have defined dharma as "that which sustains or upholds the right or positive order of the world, a person, the family, society, nation and the entire world". In the texts, Dharma [...]

High Tech Market in South Korea

This paper seeks to determine the potential of consumers aged 18 to 40 as an appropriate target market segment in the high-tech market in South Korea. This means that they can afford the products offered [...]

How I Organize my Trash

The waste clearly indicates the nature of the population that stayed in these households. The nature of such wastes depicts the likes and dislikes of certain individuals or group of people that reside in the [...]

Higher Education Funding

In addition, the learning institutions do not have enough money to construct more structures for the purpose of accommodating many students. Furthermore, the learning institutions do not manage their own revenue because they are placed [...]

Report of an Orchestra Concert

The orchestra concert I have to evaluate and discuss is exciting and unique because it represents a beautiful combination of the works by such great composers like Strauss and Tchaikovsky, Schoenberg and Barber.

E-Marketing Plan Recommendations

Thus, the key conceptual idea of this reflective treatise is an in-depth and explicit analysis of recommendations for an e-Marketing plan on the periphery of functional team orientation for Great Cup of Coffee Company.