550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 97

18,509 samples

US Civil Service Reforms

The 2012 Tennessee Excellence, Accuntability and Management Act sought to change that, as well as introduce other improvements to the state's civil service system. Such issues with the previous system have prompted the state to [...]

Confounders in Research

Nevertheless, there is a variety of ways in which apnea may increase the likelihood of deep vein thrombosis; apnea is known to be associated with a number of conditions such as hypoxia, changes in the [...]

Assessing Health Surveillance Frameworks

Guidelines for evaluating surveillance systems are being overhauled to address the requirement for i) the reconciliation of reconnaissance and wellbeing data frameworks, ii) the foundation of information benchmarks, iii) the electronic trade of wellbeing information, [...]

Coordinate the Work Environment

In this case, various indicators and standards such as "average tenure of employees", quality of the completed work, and time required to complete a particular task can be used to measure the effectiveness of the [...]

Qualitative Research: Concepts and Paradigms

According to Guba and Lincoln, the basic assumptions of constructivism are: ontology - "relativism-local and specific constructed realities"; epistemology - "transactional/subjectivist; created findings"; methodology - hermeneutical/dialectical, it mainly includes qualitative studies that require description and [...]

Fanfare for the Common Man by Aaron Copland

Discussing and analyzing one of the greatest American composers, Aaron Copland's, symphony piece "Fanfare for the Common Man", it is necessary to point out that it uses the open orchestral sound to create the cheerful [...]

Ethical Mishap: The Case of Boeing

The organization's top leadership should have compelled all workers to focus on this practice and improve the level of safety. In this case, the involved parties should have applied the deontological principle to produce and [...]

Muslim Violence in Two Movies

The documentary is not only stereotypical in its portrayal of Muslims it also strives to prove that Islam as a religion intrinsically is all about violence and killing.

Considerations in Investment Banking

However, to ensure a fruitful outcome, the CFO should choose a qualified and experienced investment banker to represent the facility. Secondly, the selected investment banking firm is expected to act as both a matchmaker and [...]

Armenian Genocide Overview

According to Article II of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of the United Nations, genocide is a process of killing members of a religious, racial, ethnic, and national [...]

Esports Events: Sponsoring and Financing

A new stage in the development of esports requires increased attention to improving professionalism in the organization of competitions, the gambling and entertainment of which attracts millions of fans and players, and the financial and [...]

Aspects of Mortgage Calculations

When calculating the monthly repayment amount, the higher the home's value, the more mortgage and the monthly payment. Subsequently, the homebuyer will pay a higher monthly repayment amount if the mortgage's interest rate is high.