700 Word Essay — Examples & Topics. Page 4

1,824 samples

Eastern Yields: Company Description

To deliver significant financial results to our clients, maintain our competitive advantage, and improve the reputation of our company, we apply a multi-faceted approach to analyzing the current situation and the potential of small businesses [...]

Civil Rights Issues in Employment

Though this can amount to defamation, however, cannot be safeguarded under the freedom of academic speech and expression. Therefore, in this case, the freedom of expression and speech of academicians cannot be safeguarded under the [...]

Mathematics for Everyday Usage

For example, in one business meeting, I saw a bar graph showing the performance of the company over the last few years. They enable the user to have a picture of the information being presented [...]

Albert Chinua Achebe Profile

Character Profile Template Introductory Information Character’s Name Albert Chinua Achebe Birth–Death Years 16thNovember 1930-21stMarch 2013. Picture of Character: Find a digital photo of the individual and paste it here. Most Noted For Introduction of the African literature into the global literature arena. Character Profile Report Biographical Information: Include life experiences that impacted thoughts and impact […]

New Spring Radio Commercial

Careful investigation of the latest ratings of the segment for the commercial time slot in different categories of population will help to identify the strengths and drawbacks of the segment, determine how they can affect [...]

The Economic Pressure: Labor and Relations

Depending on the size of the firm, prohibition creates economic pressure to the company. It should not be illegal for manages and workers to sit together and discus issues of mutual interest in a company.

Natural Disasters: Hurricane Sandy

A natural disaster is defined by the UN as: "the consequences of events triggered by natural hazards that overwhelm local response capacity and seriously affect the social and economic development of a region".

Building Reuse and Its Environmental Value

Therefore, in Boston, one of the main approaches in support of retrofitting existing buildings can be the identification of the first targets and soliciting the opinions of the population about the importance of the chosen [...]

Walmart in Africa

Walmart is one company that internationalized its operations due to threats in the local market brought about by the recession in the US in 1990s.