900 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 22

4,255 samples

An E-Commerce Platform Project Proposal

The application of these algorithms will be helpful to the client when choosing to purchase items, while the sellers will be able to access the complaints to make adjustable changes; the audience of this project [...]

Music Used to Raise MegaEvents

The proceeds went for the treatment of the victims, compensation for damages, and payments to the families of the heroes who eliminated the consequences of the attack.

Biomedical Sciences in Nursing

The concept of the web of causation has been formulated in the 1970s to solidify the idea of multidimensional causes of diseases and establish the model for explaining chronic conditions that are not fully attributable [...]

The Organizational Culture Concept

In order to gauge what kind of organizational culture the leaders must strive towards, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of people's values and beliefs. In conclusion, organizational culture is the key to [...]

Housing Usage Issues in Modern Society

There is also the issue of immigration increase in the United States, which persuades investors in the hotel industry to think of converting the hotel rooms into micro rental homes to cater to the increasing [...]

Detail History of Fingerprints

The history of the fingerprinting method dates back several centuries, and contrary to prevailing stereotypes, fingerprints were not used in forensic science. According to the assumption described in the books, people's interest in the patterns [...]

Researching of IT Ethical Dilemmas

In addition, there are Notified Data Breach Laws that oblige businesses and CSPs to report the incident to the government and all users of the service and customers in the event of a data breach.

Math: A Differential Calculus Lesson Analysis

The selected lesson to complete the course activities and the final project is an introduction to calculus. In the wake of technological advancement, climate variation, and the adoption of automation, differential calculus can be employed [...]