1 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 30

10,698 samples

Poverty Effects and How They Are Handled

Quality jobs will provide income to the younger people and women in the community. The focus on developing and facilitating small and medium-sized enterprises is a great strategy but more needs to be done in [...]

Implicit Differentiation in the Business Sector

Implicit differentiation is commonly used across the business sector to solve various problems and optimize the output of the problem. In this post, I will discuss the application of Implicit Differentiation in the business sector.

Cultural Artifacts and Their Theme

It was written in El Salvador in 1978 in the middle of a civil war between the US-backed military and government on the one side and the Foarabundo Mart National Liberation Front on the other [...]

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombing

In addition, the refusal of Japanese troops to surrender and Japan's "all-out war" have also been put forward as arguments in favor of the bombing that stopped the atrocities of the "all-out war" of Japanese [...]

External Financing of Funding Overview

Such attraction of the necessary financial resources is often the most preferable since it ensures the economic independence of the enterprise and facilitates the conditions for obtaining bank loans in the future.

Current Event on Sexual Harassment

In many cases, women have been on the receiving end of sexual harassment. The article has revealed that power is abused by many U.S.representatives who use their political positions to engage in sexual misconduct.

Aspects of Nursing Leadership

I believe that nursing leadership is a crucial topic of discussion because it also revolves around patient safety and the ability of practitioners to engage in a dialog instead of establishing mere one-way communication with [...]

Physics: The Frame of Reference

Thus, it is seen as a set of tools for studying the motion of objects in space in simple words. However, not only such a system is of practical value for studying the dynamics of [...]

American Health Care Act: Summary of Key Provisions

The same year features that improved quality and lowering costs of healthcare were implemented; as well as attempts for the enhancement of availability of Affordable Care, which included "providing access to insurance for uninsured Americans".

What Causes Domestic Violence?

Domestic abuse, which is also known as domestic violence, is a dominance of one family member over another or the other. As a result, the probability of them becoming abusers later in life is considerably [...]

Defenses: Accomplice Liability

Then, this visitor is charged with the crime of accomplice liability, though, in fact, they do not have anything in common with the robber and are not their accomplice. In this case, the appropriate defense [...]

Nursing: The Ana’s Call to Action

The methods used in determining the shortage of nurses include the percentage ratio of personnel to patients, the number of nurses in a given population, and the vacant positions for caregivers in the employment sector.

Microbiological Analysis: Lab Report

This type of medium is standardly used to isolate Gram-negative bacteria, with a source of nutrients in the form of carbon and nitrogen from the casein hydrolysate that is part of the C-CNA.

Glucose and Its Importance in Biology

Among them are galactose and fructose, with galactose being the optical isomer of glucose, while fructose is the structural isomer. On the contrary, while glucose and fructose can be found in natural sugars, especially in [...]