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The Cedarville County jail

As the newly appointed CEO to the Cedarville County jail, my main objective is to make use of the existing security technology to deal with the insecurity issues and transform the administration of the facility [...]

Year of the Flood

While the Geneva Convention on Human Rights has banned the use and development of biological agents as a means of warfare, thus sparing humanity the possibility of dying due to a virulent disease, the fact [...]

Crude oil and U.S. Gasoline market

This view of the global demand of crude oil as a factor towards the price of both crude oil and that of gasoline is derived from the study of the prices of the two commodities [...]

Revolutions of the 1848

The wave of revolutions that swept across Western Europe in 1848 brought what can be described as lasting reforms to the regimes that governed the affected territories; and even those that watched their neighbors' revolts [...]

Regression analysis

The function of regression analysis is thus to establish a relationship between the variables using information available about the explanatory variable, and predict values of the dependent variable for decision making. In this case, the [...]

19th Century Norms of Marriage

Through satirizing the marriage institution as one shaped by the governing norms, the women writers are advocating for a system that is more flexible for women to pursue their happiness beyond the confinements of marriage.

Geology Issue – Nature of Earthquakes

Such an earthquake is caused by a combination of tectonic plate movement and movement of magma in the earth's crust. Continental drift is the motion of the Earth's tectonic plates relative to each other.

Unethical Organizations

The Enron scandal was presented as a classic case of a company engaged in unethical behavior and practices that led to the collapse of the once promising company.

Free Speech: First Amendment

Obscenity is one of the exceptions, according to the US Miller Test, obscenity is a test used by Supreme Court to determine if an expression or a speech can be termed obscene and whether it [...]

The Significance of Sex in the Film Annie Hall

Whereas; Alvy's sexual urges can be compared to a skin-rash, which goes away after being scratched, Annie's sexuality appears to be an integral part of her identity as film's context implies, Annie is being always [...]

“Monster” by Patty Jenkins

An examination of the budget for the film shows that a total of $8 million was used in filming Monster as such the sparseness may either be due to the limited budget or the intentions [...]

The Use of Ethos

Convincing or persuading the reader to believe what the author has written is always tough and this is due to the fact that different readers have different opinions and perspectives about life. For Sidney, he [...]

Religion: Islam

Muslims believe that Islam came from God and the prophet Mohammad is the last prophet; in the religion, there is a lot of emphasis on the meaning the religion, this portrays the religion as a [...]

Skills of Business Leaders

She is the best example of one of the most influential women in the business world. She has advocated for an end to child abuse given that she was a victim of the same in [...]

Similarities between Ballet and Hip Hop

Dance is and always shall be a form of expression where the movements performed speak volumes of the emotions and feelings that the dancer is trying to impart to the audience.
  • 4.2
  • Subjects: Art Dance
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1223

Design a helper

Therefore, personal robots in addition to making life easier should be able to perceive and understand the surroundings. However, robots are a source of worry in the future as they can be risky to humans.

Men Are Superior to Women

Men are regarded as superior to women due to the following reasons; women are usually dictated by their emotions, they tends to be irrational, they are inferior with regards to biological aspect, they undergoes through [...]

Child Behaviour Development

With the emotional attachment, the child is likely to take up behaviour of the person whom he is emotionally connected. For example, id the child is attached to the mother, he is likely to have [...]

Statements about Justice

The manner in which the trial is carried out and the judge's attitude indicate that the trial of a black man especially in a case against a white lady was influenced to a large extent [...]

Policies in Canada to Enhance Economics

In the years preceding the crisis, the government in Canada involved in budget surpluses. Maybe the most vital aspect is that Canada did not engage in the kind of real estate experiences as is the [...]

Ethical Implication of Human Genetics Research

Because of the aforementioned reason, the appraisal of genetic research is increasingly getting more attention of the human research ethic committee. The ethical concern in human genetic research is similar to those which arise from [...]

Battleship Potemkin

Both individuals tended to perceive the process of movie's editing as being similar to the process of composing music just as composer constructs a melody out of individually sounding and often dissonant musical notes, film's [...]

‘Mi Familia’ a Film by Gregory Nava

However, the social categorization and classification of different individuals in the society is based on various racial and ethnic groups, which vary from region to region because of various factors associated with intermarriages, self-identification, migration, [...]

Vision of Changes in McDonalds

So, the application of changes with regard to vision of these changes should be analyzed in order to evaluate effectively the effects expected from this change, the way the change was applied, the attitude of [...]

J. O. De La Mettrie

His experience as a physician and the philosophical knowledge he had, formed a perfect combination of knowledge, which gave him the ability to explain human nature.

American Sign Language

The sign language is also taught in schools for the deaf all the way from early grade schools to secondary schools and in institutions of higher learning.

Chinese Music and Its Types

Like any other music, the Chinese music dates back to the era of Chinese civilization. In addition, the composers of Chinese music highlight proper articulation and inflection as the main factors of building a music [...]

A case against Software Piracy

This paper shall argue that piracy is unjustifiable since it fails to respect the proprietary rights of the author of the software and results to losses to the software publishers and the society at large.

Johann Sebastian Bach

He was the last born in the family of Johann Ambrosius Bach, a church organist, and Elizabeth Lammerhirt Bach. In 1703 Bach was hired as an organist in a church in Arnstad, Germany and these [...]

Medical Anthropology

An analysis of the power relations affecting biomedicine addresses questions such as who has the power over agencies of biomedicine, how and in what forms power is to be delegated, how the power is to [...]

Ijtihad in Islamic Banking

Even though Shariah principles forms the main legal foundation in which most of Islamic banking products and services are based, Ijtihad enables the flexibility of the Shariah principles to suit the changing needs of the [...]

The Consolation of Philosophy

So, it would be appropriate to suggest the overview of changing virtues and people's views within the well-known cognitive books: The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, The Consolation of Philosophy by Ancius Boethius, and the [...]

Recidivism and Incarceration

The prison system reflects the legal values and system in that crime are placed in categories and depending on the crime the prisoners will be sentenced.

How Capitalism Beat Communism/Socialism

This is exactly the reason why USSR was doomed to collapse in just about every society, the functioning of which is being concerned with the observance of Socialist principles, the prolonged continuation of social, cultural [...]

Strategic Planning and Implementation

The following are the main goals for the Abbott Pharmaceutical Company: To enhance continuous expansion of the company to regional level and thus enable individuals to access quality, affordable, and reliable health care services easily [...]