1100-Word Essay Examples. Page 16

7,104 samples

The Essential History of World

During Rome's conquest of Italy, the Romans used different tactics to ensure the success of the invasion. With the growth of the empire, corruption became rife in the senate and other public offices.

Business Ethics as Rational Choice

In a real sense, the character is the total sum of cumulative choices and decisions made daily. From these definitions, it is irrefutable that the concepts are interrelated and can indeed be used to define [...]

Lawyer Profession and Its Prospects

This article is available in the ProQuest database which contains thousands of articles related to criminal justice. The members of this organization can purchase a wide variety of publications on different areas of criminal law.

A Survey of the Old Testament

The command to be fruitful and multiply was given to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. This, of course, was in direct contradiction to God's plan that people should multiply and spread throughout [...]

The Cold War: A New History

The United States of America and the Soviet Union were the two most powerful nations involved in the war. Another factor that contributed to the end of the cold war was the economic deterioration of [...]

Master Degree in Accounting

I am anxious to combine the knowledge and aptitude of these skills with a master's degree in accounting. I want to acquire professional skills and abilities that would enable me to contribute to the economic [...]

Sweatshops and Respect for Persons

One of the identified flaws in the logic of the authors is that while they focus on the ethical issues surrounding sweatshops and the responsibility of multinational corporations in providing decent working conditions, Arnold and [...]

Improvement of the Clients’ Experience

In the meantime, it is reported that the level of personalized communication that the company provides is relatively low. Thus, book services try to find out the type of literature that is most popular; airline [...]