1400-Word Essay Examples. Page 4

3,531 samples

Who is in Charge?

The first identified issue in the case comes in the form of Patty Matthews. When going through the case data, the lack of Allen's sufficient willingness to keep the branch managers in line can be [...]

Marriot International, Inc. Analysis

Along with the increasing lodging demands, the trend has also brought great impact to other driving forces in the hospitality industry, in a manner that touches almost every sector of the industry These impacts have [...]

Advertising for Consuming Kids

The narrator in the film, Consuming Kids, argues that the fact that children spend an "equivalent of the combined economies of the world's 115 poorest countries" has attracted many marketers to this market.

The Joseph Story

The Joseph story, like the Abraham and Jacob stories, contributes to the exposition of the theme of the Pentateuch by showing how the promises of Abraham were partially fulfilled.

Hotel Industry Operations Planning

In a bid to implement the EMP initiative successfully, the general manager will consider a number of issues. Complying with the industry trends and implementation of the aforementioned initiatives will contribute to the overall improvement [...]

Marketing Mix paper

The success of a marketing strategy and subsequent marketing activities is judged by the increase in the amount of sales generated from the marketing activity.

Marketing Environment Forces

Marketing environment is a term used to refer to the forces outside of marketing which have an influence on the marketing manager's ability to create and maintain a healthy relationship with the customers he is [...]

Seven Ways to Fail Big

In the case of Sony Corporation the failure to see the weakness of the strategies employed was due to a faulty belief system coupled with a notion that it is an enterprise that is so [...]

Analyzing Graffiti as a Crime

Other types of graffiti such as the commercial graffiti are categorized as crimes because making use of graffiti as a form of advertisement is usually against the advertisement along with media laws established in most [...]

Marketing System as a Product Intake and Retention

Marketing system communication is comprised of the elements which are proactive in increasing product visibility and sustainable communication It is imperative for businesses to establish the link between product performance and the natures of a [...]

Les Miserables The Musical

Musical analysts argue that the pleadings of Jean Valjean in this song got prompted by the suffering of the young man's wife. The two are the main characters in Les Miserables and represent the evil [...]

Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test

In most cases, the Wilcoxon signed-rank is used in the circumstances that the population is not normally distributed. The application of the Wilcoxon test is motivated by the improbability relating to the assumptions of normality [...]

First Crusade Art and Architecture

Many Jews were robbed of their property by the crusaders and killed for the simple reason that they were not Christians During the period of the First Crusade, different styles of art were produced by [...]

Elasticity of Demand

In this regard, price elasticity of demand is defined as the percentage change in demand for a given commodity due to unit change in price of the commodity.

Concept of Recruitment Model in HRM

First, job analysis has to be done which involves the following; establishing the relevance of the job analysis, listing the characteristics of the personnel to be hired, selecting the job in question for analysis, gathering [...]

Tourism Planning and Tourist Agencies

With this in mind, adventure tourism has become the culmination in the evolution of New Zealand's sustainable tourism and a reflection of the country's commitment to the principles and values of sustainable tourism planning.

Nickel, Dimed, and the society

In fact, according to her, these conditions are unlivable and can be referred to as another form of slavery. It is for this reason that everyone wants to set his or her foot in the [...]

International sporting Events

The major economic impact on the hosting country is realized through the creation of awareness for the city. Therefore, the more investors are attracted, the higher the job opportunities in the region, and thus great [...]

Spanish Speaking Organizations

This organization was formed to advocate for the right of the minority, especially in the workforce. This union was formed to protect the rights of uranium and steel miners in America.

The Virginia Tech Massacre

The realization that the shooter was still within the institution's compound should have triggered an immediate reaction to the security status of students and officials in other locations within the institution.

Importance of Olympic Games

On the debut, the first event was a sprint where the winner earned himself a leaf from the olive tree, being accorded a deity-like status by the poets and being recognized as a hero for [...]

Olympic Games Benefits and Costs

In the run-up to the historic London Olympic Games in 2012, the organizing committee encountered great challenges in the mechanisms of selling out the eight million tickets equitably among the twenty-six events in the games.

Drama “Riders to the Sea” by John Synge

This is because in Synge's play it is specifically the array of the explored ideas about the sheer tragedy of people falling victims to the forces of nature, and not the exposure of the characters' [...]

Asian Studies: Vietnamese Nationalism

The decline of the colonial rule in Vietnam gave rise to the development of the nationalist movement in this country. In particular, one should focus on the views of Phan Chu Trinh, Ho Chi Minh, [...]

Racism and Sexism Ethical Problem

According to Reich, many of the proponents and antagonists of racism are merely playing their part in a bigger game that they are unaware of and the inherent nature of the capitalist system will always [...]

Education System Inequality

The difference in quality education is brought about by the fact that schools are unequal, and this inequality helps to maintain the disparities in schools, especially in urban areas. The advocate of this theory note [...]

Erich Hartmann’s Biography

As the book's name implies, it contains the biographical account of the life and career of the highest-scoring ace of all times a German fighter-pilot Erich Hartmann, who, ever since 1942, when he joined the [...]

National Security Versus Personal Privacy

With considerations of the security systems put forth by the US security agencies, drastic changes have taken place, affecting individual personal privacy for the American citizens with the aim of countering terrorism in the US [...]

Guns Usage in the United States

The American society also has divided opinions on the issue of gun ownership and use in the continent. Even with the great benefits of gun-use in the US, the situation also drawbacks in the society.

Bullying and Child Development

Bullying is one of the common vices in schools that influences a lot of growth and development of children. Bullying also affects the ability of children to concentrate in school because they are always on [...]

Employee Mistreatment in Qatar

The ministers of interior affairs and labor met at the country's headquarters in Doha to announce the new changes, a move that was seen to respond to the piling pressure from the international community.

The Image of African Americans in Media

Ethnography was chosen as a research method, whereas the analysis of the existing studies of the representation of African Americans in modern and traditional media was used as the means of retrieving the data.