1450-Word Essay Examples. Page 14

2,215 samples

The Concept of Caring in Nursing

This paper addresses the concept of caring, which is regarded as the core of nursing services. According to Ma et al, the complex nature of the idea of caring explains Leininger's hypothesis of cultural care [...]

Lord of Dance

This paper looks at the relevance of the image of Shiva to the Hindu culture, and the disparity between its presence in a temple and display in a museum of art, away from the culture [...]

Claudio Monteverdi in Bel Canto Culture Context

At present, when art is becoming the art of interpretation, for an adequate "reading" of the creations of the past, it is necessary to address the experience of those composers who determined the main traditions [...]

New Belgium Brewing Case

Additionally, the company's participation as part of a scheme towards the improvement of social coexistence significantly influences consumer perception and the use of the company's products.

Marginal Cost and Revenue Relationships

Marginal revenue and marginal cost are microeconomic concepts that are very significant in making production decisions. Marginal revenue refers to the revenue that is associable to the sale of the last unit of a product. The revenue for the aforementioned unit could either be the same as that of the previous unit, higher or lower. […]

Apple Company Innovative Improvements

Emerging trends forced Apple to venture into the production and sale of integrated products to counter the completion in the PC sector. The Apple's management observed changing trends in the market, and acted to embrace [...]

XYZ Corporation Transition to IAS

Making the transition to IAS will affect the financial records of XYZ Corporation The transition from GAAP to IAS by XYZ Corporation will cause significant changes in the financial records of the corporation.

WM Morrison Supermarkets Feasibility Analysis

The purpose of this research is to identify problems and opportunities, determine objectives, describe situations, define successful outcomes, and assess the costs versus benefits associated with satisfying the market niche in the new area.

American Civil War Issues

In the following weeks after the capture, both the Union army and the Union navy worked together, gaining ground upstream till the clash that later would be named the Battle of Shilloh.