1900-Word Essay Examples. Page 7

1,677 samples

Child Labor and U.S. Industrialization

Improvements to labor laws and an intensified focus on the human rights issue that child labor represents in more recent years have diminished the prevalence of child labor somewhat.

The Juno Project Overview

In its 13-month orbiting, Juno will explore the conditions and processes central to the formation of planet Jupiter and the rest of the solar system.

Curriculum Map in the Learning Process

Zemelman, Daniels and Hyde note that a curriculum map is an indispensable document that outlines the topics to be covered, the methods through which the teacher will use to effect dispensation of learning, objectives of [...]

The Importance of Employment Laws

However, for an organization to grant the employee leave, the employee must give adequate notice to the organization informing the organization the reasons for requesting the leave.

Culture in Communication: Interview Process

That is, institutions should integrate conventional communication channels to aid execution of activities and conveyance of information. Due to this, it is prudent for communicators to understand the language and gender issues of the audience [...]

Global Warming and Environmental Refugees

Moreover, since environmental refugees have to leave their homelands, the developed countries are responsible for their relocation; thus, have to provide refugees with all the necessary financial and emotional support to ease their adaptation process [...]

The Gathering Storm 1848-1860

The arising matters made it difficult to maintain the Union because the ongoing debate on slavery hindered any meaningful attempt to pacify the tense Northern and the Southern populations. However, it led to the 'Bleeding [...]

Self-Efficacy and Career Development

On the path to achieving the set goal, it is important that an individual realizes the fact that success or failure are possibilities, and that what will make one achieve either of the two is [...]

Contract Law: Huang vs. Bill the Builder

The main purpose of seeking compensation of damages resulting from a breach is to put the innocent party in its initial position if the breach had not occurred in the first place. Huang had clearly [...]

Film as a Vehicle of Ideology

Film has been a prominent contributor to the process of spreading ideology, as seen by the prevalence of propaganda and advocacy films that were created over the years.

Business Information System

In order to ensure that no shortfall from the individual and collective ends of the personnel involved, the British Computer Society has developed a code of conduct as a criteria for membership that defines the [...]

Reducing Gun Violence in Atlanta, Georgia

The initiative chosen for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the approach is the Cease Fire operation. Besides, the popularity of the enterprise coupled with the weakness of the original research aimed at its evaluation [...]

“The Intern” by Nancy Meyers

Even though the director seems to romanticize the main characters of the story, the outcomes that are being shown at the end of the movie resonate with the audience and provide them with a deeper [...]

Maywood, Illinois: Community Analysis

The purpose of this windshield survey was to conduct an overall analysis of Maywood, IL, and determine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and possible threats that affect the community. I represented my findings of Maywood and related [...]

Iran’s Political Structures

The bulk of the country's territory is situated upon the Iranian Plateau, which in turn causes Iran to be considered a predominantly mountainous country. The Iranian army is believed to be one of the world's [...]