Writing a 2000-word essay may seem overwhelming at first, especially if you’ve dealt with smaller tasks before. However, writing such a paper is the next step in your educational process. Two thousand words length is typical for critical writing assignments, movie reports and reviews, book reviews, reports of all kinds, and research papers.
You may face the need to compose a 2000-word task at any moment and in any class. Here are the basics of writing a paper of this length with hot, relevant, and interesting topics you may cover. And if you’re looking for more inspiring samples, check the page with free essays online for students!
There are three different types of methamphetamine they include dextro-methamphetamine the most abused and common form of meth its side effects are said to be fewer as compared to the other forms, dextro-levo methamphetamine that [...]
President Nixon subsequently nominated him to the post of US ambassador to the UN, and his subsequent unanimous confirmation by the Senate was testament to the bi-partisan appeal that he radiated as a politician.
The program details the services that the affected individual is entitled to receive, the environment in which the program will be conducted and the duration of time that the program is expected to take.
This was after the evolution of the use of herbs as poisons that were used to kill people. Herbal knowledge in the region revolved around the army quite a bit and the soldiers gained from [...]
This type of pop culture and mode of dressing basically compliments and deeply expresses the attitudes of the people and their form of musical conduct.
The research focuses on the discussion of the effects of the budget-less economic uncertainty. Hilton emphasises that the sales department failed to fill the 10,000 units paid by the clients because the marketing department did [...]
Najir's father's taking of her sexually excludes her from chances at a marriage of her own, because she is deprived of her virginity, and exposes the young woman to the risk of a pregnancy which [...]
The Long Term Orientation in the Asian - China has the highest rank which further coincides with the research findings of Lee & Chan, that most people who are entrepreneurs in the Asian culture are [...]
The problem when looking at this situation based on the findings of Country Report is that while having housing surplus would be fine if such housing were created in order to meet expected demand within [...]
The frightening evidence of the devastating tendencies in coral reef reduction can be illustrated by the case of the coral cover of the Rio Bueno, a coral reef site on the North East of Jamaica [...]
It also looks at various issues that have been raised on the levels of students' participation in academic issues and the views held on the issue of students' consultations and participation in the implementation of [...]
The plot of the story focuses on the antics of McMurphy who tries to thwart the efforts of the head of the ward, Nurse Ratched, when he is transferred to her ward.
The systematic nature of bureaucracy contributed to the development of large business organizations in the 20th century because of its effects on change and innovation.
Relativism continues to experience controversy and contention due to its core ideals that seek to defend the relative and volatile nature of truth and ethical conduct in social contexts.
The following essay thus explains more about a senior leadership team and in particular the characteristics of a senior leadership team, the structures, cultures and processes that promotes an effective senior leadership team and the [...]
Some of the changes that will take place in regards to this area will include communication between the administration and the different departments, the communication between the various departments in the hotel and the clients, [...]
The material used was also appropriate, in terms of the methodology used to conduct the investigation, the number of subjects in the research, their age and gender, as well as their response rates to the [...]
Realistically, the concept of fit and the strategic human resource management lays much emphasis in improving the capacity of a firm in responding to the external factors especially those related to the hiring and utilization [...]
The urban screens act as a facilitator of all the interactions and socializing in the city. The urban screens are used to augment the basic physical and social behaviors in the city.
The need for internet protection is in the area of virus protection, data encryption and decryption, access privilege control and the use of firewalls to safeguard data in the computer.
The organization's strategy in imparting knowledge among the young people of the community is mainly based on the principle that, the younger a person is introduced to information technology, the higher the chances of using [...]
The publishing of the term McJobs in the dictionaries stimulated the need for McDonald's to redefine its image through concentration on branding of employees.
The music that Michael Jackson released was not based on gender but was based on truth and hope to the people and this gave him a lot of influence in the community reason being that [...]
Lastly, we assess the importance of public relations and relationship management on a particular organization, Winbeldon championship, and how it has helped it in its various relations with the members of the general public.
To conclude, it is evident from the assessment that public relations and relationship marketing are effective to the successful promotion of international events.
Evidence in support of this is identified in the GAO report which highlights the fact that despite spending large sums on money and time on the VA project implementation is yet to be done on [...]
The book, 'Retail Nation: Department Stores and the Making of Modern Canada' retrospectively views the transformation of Canada from the era during which time monopolized department stores such as Eaton's committed themselves to strengthening the [...]
Introduction of the purpose of this critique paper and the aim of this paper The aim of this critique paper is to evaluate the journal article on the capabilities of market-driven organizations.
During the 1980s and 1990s, the history of the Middle East was shaped by three main events namely the Gulf War, the Palestinian rebellion, and the meltdown of the U.S.S R.
That is why the major issues which are discussed in the literature on the topic of reducing youth antisocial behaviour with the help of legislative programmes are associated with the questions of the definition of [...]
However, the introduction of the dominant Reebok sign at the bottom of the advertisement heightens the tone of the advert and as such, urges the subjects of the target group to put doubts behind them [...]
The movie, Into the Storm, shows the lives of Churchill and his wife in the period between 1940 and 1945 when Churchill was the Britain's Prime Minister.
Moreover, the market is superior to the state, and the government plays a minimal role in the economy. The second reason used to justify the conditions was to reduce the rate of economic growth in [...]
Kin's mission is to develop its capacity to offer quality and patient-focused services that will enable it to become a market leader in assisted home care for the elderly in Kings County.
It is also important for the company to align its workforce with the organizational goals, for this will be crucial in the execution of the business objectives.
The primary aim of using the six-sigma model is to ensure the improvement of manufacturing quality for consumer satisfaction and reduction of the overall production costs.
Thus, there is a need for organizations to make programs and benefits that can attract and keep Baby Boomers in their companies, as they are a rich source of labor.
Dalai Lama did not seem to care for the consequences that would follow as a result of his engagement in political activities, and was ready to engage in extremely risky activities for the sake of [...]
To understand the role of the descriptive statistics in the project, it is necessary to concentrate on the variables discussed and on the results of the survey.
Although the company had the capabilities required to succeed in generics business, it ventured into the discovery business that was evidently out of its capabilities.
The company's mission is the provision of merchandise that enhances the customers' sense of style, fashion and esteem to increase the expression of self in society.
Apart from the chemical and scientific achievements, the automotive industry has also adopted state-of-the-art infotainment systems that are likely to bring customers to the edge of modern technologies in communication and entertainment.
Humans pay much attention to satisfying their needs but they do not bother to reserve the resources because they do not understand that the resources they are using today are not replaced when they are [...]
Bono and Heijden contends that under people management, the challenge for the organization is to ensure that they benefit from the diversity of the employees in order to achieve the objectives of the organization.
In addition to this, the business also seeks to improve cycle time which is the time between the delivery of the services and the time the payment of those services is made.
The plan should be formed once the project's participants have been chosen and it should be communicated to the members and should continuously be used as a reminder of the mission of the project when [...]
While at that, the paper explores the true meaning of franchising, legal dynamics of franchising especially in Kazakhstan, a critical assessment of franchising in the country with reference to competition both foreign and domestic, as [...]
The paper also gives the reasons as to why the Corps of Engineers came up with the idea of building the locks and dams and thus their main mission and reasons for the facilities and [...]
Instructional issues that are encountered in education are those arising due to the inability of the students to acquire, maintain, and relate the skills that are learned in class to other settings within and outside [...]
The Biblical conceptualizations of the origin of man provide an excellent form of a myth in the antiquity while the relatively new myth of the Superman offers the best illustration of a myth in the [...]
The objective of the study is to identify the effect of customer deviance on turnover intentions in the service industry. Upon examining the behavior of employees in various work environments, the researcher will be able [...]
In this respect, to define problems and obstacles to management development, specific emphasis should be placed on the analysis of shifts in the world economy, as well as on changes occurred to the practice of [...]
The plan also lad the ground works for the integration of European nations, a plan which has culminated in the emergence of the European Union. On the negative, the paper notes that the plan was [...]
The distinguishing factor between the pseudohermaphrodites and the true hermaphrodites is the fact that they have two gonads of the same type in addition to the common male or female chromosomes.
This is due to the fact that the system can only be accessed within the library and users outside the library have no access to the information stored on the system.
The provision of social solidarity and value consensus is the strongest of the functional contributions that education makes to the society. In this structural functionalist perspective, the education system was detrimental to the social and [...]
In fact, the opening of the global market to all firms including the small and medium sized has been brought about by many factors particularly the development in the information communication technology.
It is also supposed to be genetic and those with the history of the condition are supposedly a 23-65 percent likelihood of having a child with dyslexia.
The government regulatory policy on the fair working condition between the employer and the employee relies on the Acts established and passed by the parliament.
Focus on leaders' and ignorance of followers, however, does not contribute to the development of efficient management environment because the influence and interaction stand at the core of the relationship.
One of the major aims of Chick-fil-A supply chain management is to ensure that goods used in manufacturing are of the right quality and quantity; this goes ahead as it is reflected in the final [...]
On the other hand, the person-centered therapy, as formulated by Carl Rodgers in the 1940s, is an approach that is centered on the needs and values of the client.
Such an encounter brings the child a lot of frustrating and painful experiences and if it is not immediately and properly handled it leads to relationship problems between a child and his or her parents [...]
As suggested in the literature, it may indeed be true that leadership style and competence in project settings are not directly related to project success; however, it can be argued that these two variables are [...]
The organizers of the March First Movement therefore sought to take advantage of the presence of a multitude of people in Seoul to witness their declaration of independence.
When teachers act oblivious to the norms and expectations of the students, is simply denying the experiences of the learners. Teachers have to engage the students in the cultural background of English language usage.
2 percent of the births in the US are expected to be in the EmOC facilities while the rest only take place in freestanding birth centers, in doctors' offices and also at home.
Biblically, the theme of 'chosen people' stands out in both the Old and the New Testament extending further to the contemporary society despite the evident changes in meaning as the paper points out.
The first clause calls for distribution economic and social disparities in a way that, "they are to be of the greatest benefit to the least-advantaged members of society".
As a result world leaders, especially those working in conjunction with the United Nations, decided to initiate a convention against torture and their rationale for doing so was stated as follows: "Considering that, in accordance [...]
It was this era of commerce that saw the birth of the term progressive history Unknown to many this would form one of the most politically influential concept and idea in the history of business [...]
As a matter of fact, this is the strength of popular culture where an individual seems to have been changed by the turn of the events that are happening in his life.
First of all the materials used in the production of the centre is to be maintained at a minimum level. This will enable the company to control the flow of the production process.
When the white dwarf starts accumulating in mass as a result of binary companion, the core of the white dwarf reaches the temperature that is just enough to facilitate carbon fusion.
The doctrine of stoicism is also prevalent in the book, a philosophy that he was deeply fascinated in and applied in his solving daily challenges in life.
A good illustration of this is can be observed early on in babyhood growth of children who act in response and connect themselves to the adults or caregivers who show utmost love and care and [...]
It is rather sad to observe that working Christian married women with children do not even have time to spare and teach their children about the Bible as a way of nurturing them spiritually and [...]
This theory is based on the fact that the collective welfare of the people overrides the individual's right and as such, the theory advocates the maximization of happiness for the greatest number of people.
It can also influence their thinking process and therefore the only effective means to counteract these effects is to teach children how to deal with technology so that the TV set, the computers, and the [...]
Some of the most common dominant party systems in the world include the Indian National Congress which is the ruling party in India, the Worker's Party in Angola, United Socialist Party of Venezuela, Cambodian People's [...]
Doris Lessing points out that, as on one hand human beings living in the free world present claims that they have the freedom to live as well as hold beliefs the way they wish, on [...]
Women present fear, particularly when the people they are conversing with are in higher positions and appear powerful than them, and men use this weakness to make sure that women are not in control of [...]
One of the strongest arguments that support the death penalty is that it satisfies the need for retribution. The death penalty is a violation of the most basic right the right to life.
The writer defied conventions of gothic novels by starting with a naive character, and then developed and nurtured her to the woman that she becomes at the end of the novel.
This aspect led to the emergence of numerous scholarly researches that sought to identify the impacts of economic globalisation not only to the developed states, but also to the developing countries.
The purpose of the essay is to show that in spite of the criticisms levelled on Fayol's management theories, they still form a foundation of management in modern society.
The assimilation of the cultural diversity occasioned by massive influx of immigrants to the United States in the later stages of 18th century is a good example of the melting pot concept.
In an attempt to predict the evaluation of psychotherapy sessions, just as is mentioned in the thesis above, Eugster and Wampold conducted a research using 114 therapists and 119 patients. The use of the system [...]
This is very meaningful because every decision made in an organisation affects the planning, performance management and other aspects of the organisation that if care is not taken can lead to the fall of the [...]
From the analysis, it is clear how both Encoding/Decoding model and Uses and Gratifications theory could be used to inform debates on the use of social media.
Aslan, however, vouches for a situation where Islam and democracy can exist hand in hand in such a way that only Islam stays in the background to guide on the moral and religious aspects as [...]
However, despite all the pomp depicted by the King in the play there are numerous occasions in the play that the author uses to point to the aspect of divine right as held by the [...]
The company has managed to partner with various other companies such as SunGard in order to offer IT services to clients in the finance and insurance industries in China and across the Asia Pacific region.
In the end, the primary goal of the paper is to propose the suitable methodology and analysis of the information to find the relevant answer to the research question.
On the basis of the above information, the top ten criterion that ought to be put in mind when establishing a new-fangled or ensuring that the shipping warehouse is expanded either internationally or domestically will [...]
One of the issues that the firm takes into account in the appraisal process relates to how best the employee adhered to the firm's code of conduct and the effectiveness with which he or she [...]
However, this study shows the weaknesses to the use of this method in the effort of investigating the relationship between the use of motorized transport to school and childhood obesity.
This enables the reader to concentrate on the issues covered by the research and thus understand the relationship between different variables explored by the researcher.
Basing the arguments on the published information and most of the interviews carried out in both developed and the developing countries, this paper shall succinctly explore on the implications of the emerging legal framework for [...]
Therefore, the paper reveals how the collaboration of the political goodwill and the restructuring of unions through proper legislative and administrative policy has promoted and fundamentally improved workers' interests, hence, improving the position of wage [...]
Researchers of peace and conflict resolution in recent decades joined the bandwagon by attempting to investigate what globalization meant to them and the global peace.
The design was further involved in the seat arrangement that ensured that the actors were clearly heard by the people on the uppermost semicircular bench of the theater.
Flooding affects every region of the Philippines neighborhood, and several low-lying regions in the Manila City, such as Espino, Taft, Malabo, and Valenzuela, are usually among the worst hit in every series of flooding that […]
The speech has become a symbol of a new era of freedom and symbol of the American civil rights movement.”I Have a Dream” is a representation of the “America Dream” about a free and equal […]
In the context of the “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”, the pentangle brings together the influence of “the five virtues, the five wounds of Christ, the five senses, the five joys of Mary the […]
Considering that grants would be obtained from FIFA to partly support the preparation, the revenue body in the state would benefit from such grant and the developments that will be carried out with the support […]
First, it is worth mentioning that, according to the company’s website, the mission of the business is to manufacture and promote a product that would allow for a more sustainable use of the natural environment.
Indra Nooyi ensures the long-term sustainable performance of PepsiCo with her leadership approach that is focused on collaboration and is considered to be extremely significant for the whole company.
💡 Topic Ideas for a 2000 Word Report
If you’re tasked to write a 2000 words essay, sample topics in the following list can help you out. They are suitable for lab report-type writing on a variety of subjects.
Straw panel manufacturing for eco-friendly housing.
The list of physical and emotional transformations happening to the young people during adolescence is universal; the processes are the same for all teenagers.
The main objective of peer support groups is connecting people with the same life experiences and challenges to share and support each other in healing and recovery.
Therefore, the presumed results of the project are its introduction into the health care system, which will promote a healthy lifestyle and diminish the level of smoking among LGBTQ people in the SESLHD.
Especially at work, targets fear coming to work and this will have an adverse result in the efficiency of the staff in the hospital.
✏️ How to Write a 2000 Words Essay
Overall, a 2000-word essay doesn’t differ from other essay types. It should also have an introductory part, a particular number of body paragraphs, and a concluding section with major insights you’ve derived from research. Since this essay type can be 7-8 pages long, it makes sense to divide the content into sections and cover each of them in several paragraphs.
2000-Word Essay Structure
The structure of your 2000-word essay will largely depend on the professor’s prompt. If the tutor requires a more structured paper, you can divide the content into several sections and dwell on every aspect in a couple of paragraphs each. It is not typical for 2000-word essays to have a separate literature review – you may have one in a report or research paper, but essays usually favor a more integrated presentation of literature in the body of the paper. Thus, overall, the essay should have an introduction with a thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion with main findings and inferences. As the intro and conclusion take 10% of the word count each, you should expect the body of the paper to have around 1500-1600 words, which translates into 10-15 body paragraphs.
2000-Word Essay Introduction
The essay’s introduction usually takes 10% of the paper’s length, but short essays may have even 20% taken by the introductory section. When we’re talking about a 2000-word essay, 7-10% will be totally fine to cover the broad context, background, and thesis statement of the paper after introducing the essay’s main subject. This way, you should allocate 150-200 words to the introduction of this essay.
Similar to the introduction, a 2000-word essay’s conclusion may also take 150-200 words, which equals 7-10% of the essay’s length. It should summarize the key points you have discussed and derive the main takeaways from every argument or body section you’ve had in the essay.
How Many References Should I Use in a 2000 Word Paper?
It depends on the specific task your supervisor has set and the academic level at which you’re studying. A rule of thumb is to have 8-12 references for every 1,000 words of text. Thus, your 2000-word essay should have around 20 unique sources to comply with the professor’s requirements and academic standards.
Bribery, embezzlement of funds and illegitimate procurement always impose extra and unjustified costs to the cost of acquiring public services and damages the credibility of those institutions that are involved in the vice.
Some of the most significant issues he highlights include the following: The quality of information on the web varies significantly While internet search may help to narrow down on a topic, it may erode the […]
📣 2000 Words Persuasive Essay Prompts
Here are a couple of prompts that can help you craft a 2000 words example essay for a high grade. Feel free to use them or tweak the prompts so that they match your individual task.
Time Management Essay 2000 Words
Discuss the concept of time management and analyze its significance for people’s education, employment, and attainment of life goals. Give examples of the positive impact of good time management on people’s quality of life across domains. Focus on one or several time management techniques, explain their basis and principles, and give instructions for adopting better time management habits.
Essay about Social Networking 2000 Words
Discuss the existing social networks and their history of emergence and mass adoption. Analyze research findings about the pros and cons of reliance on social media and evaluate the arguments of opponents and proponents. Talk about the negative impact of social media on academic achievement and the potential implications of blocking social media use at schools. Consider several cases of teachers’ social media image scandals, such as inappropriate behavior and dressing in social media posts.
2000 Word Essay on Accountability in the Army
Examine the concept of accountability as such and apply it to a narrower field – army service. Talk about the variety of officers’ accountability obligations during army service, covering their duty to treat army property, documents, and funds with due care. Examine various shades of meaning of army officers’ accountability – in civil service and on the battlefield (e.g., joint action and decision-making). Evaluate the importance of accountability in the army and discuss the organs and entities keeping those duties under control.
A Dangerous Experience Essay 2000 Words
Discuss the importance of challenging oneself and leaving the comfort zone for the sake of personal development and growth from the viewpoint of viewing these experiences as dangerous. Give a personal example of leaving the comfort zone and feeling fear and danger in the face of the unknown. Examine the psychological motivations of people agreeing to withstand danger for the sake of moving forward and the justifications of those who avoid danger and never move ahead.
However, listening to music has the ability to inspire the hormones and raise the levels of these elements to equilibrium, making the brain to work optimally.
The application of informatics implies the incorporation of information technology in the process of direct healthcare provision, establishment of efficient administrative systems, management and education delivery as well as supporting nursing research.
It is obvious that the mentioned issues are among the most relevant reasons for II; eliminating them should lead to the improvement of II situation in the world.
Relevance of efficiency and effectiveness to enhance the performance of organisations The assumption of maximising profits through focusing on mechanisms that enhance efficiency and effectiveness of organisations as the main goal of an organisation rather […]
In a clash between the religious beliefs and those of the state or a foreign power, the religious beliefs are likely to triumph and garner the support of the majority.
According to Billington, Carter and Husain Whole Place Development refers to the dynamic process of creating public as well as private spaces by utilizing the input of the stakeholders who are the community to develop […]
This is because, despite the fact that the advocates of political correctness encourage citizens to believe that the specifics of one’s racial affiliation are not being reflective of his or her tendency to commit crimes, […]
Even though that from a Christian point of view, there is indeed a number of discursive controversies to the theory of psychoanalysis, there can be little doubt as to the fact that it was specifically […]
The lecture provokes the interest to the evaluation of the consequences of globalization. The accumulation of the first experience has started with watching the different documentary and feature movies about the global and cultural integration […]
The movement works with the destruction of the legal status of “legal entities,” the disappearance of commercial fundamentalism liberated, and the necessary actions of economic privatization by the World Bank, the Foundation International Monetary Fund, […]
From the start, Levitt argues that the globalization of markets is a phenomenon like never seen before, where the international market becomes one whole and there is a demand for modern, popular, standardized products which […]
The company’s strong position in the domestic market and the availability of resources to enter the Chinese market allow for the decisive transition of the company to international marketing.
Globalization has led to the transition of existing threats to collective and individual health to a new qualitative level and to the emergence of new threats.
Krishnamurthy’s article was published in 2004, and it contributed to drawing the public’s attention to the question of outsourcing in contexts of the information exchange and economic growth. In 2006, Michael Palm responded to the […]
Globalization entails the conception of principles, perpetuated by both governments and organizations that have altered the way nations perceive the obligation for a criminal justice system and the ability of the governments to control crime […]
The purpose of the act was to set minimum standards legislation in order to create regulatory framework for wages, hours of work, overtime, and vacations with pay, for the majority of workers in the province.
Nevertheless, there is another concern that we should worry about; and that is the worsening of health services or hindering in the flourishing of health services in the future.
📌 2000 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions
📌 How Many Pages Is 2000 Words Double Spaced?
How many pages is 2000 words of academic text? According to the guidelines of all the key citation styles, one page should contain approximately 250 words (12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced). If you follow these guidelines, your 2000-word essay will be 8 pages. If you make it single-spaced, it will take 4 pages.
📌 How Much Is 2000 Words in Paragraphs?
How much is 2000 words in paragraphs? A typical academic paragraph contains 100 to 150 words. So, a 2000-word essay will consist of 14-17 paragraphs.
📌 How Many Sentences Is 2000 Words?
How many sentences is a 2000-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 2000 words are not less than 100-103 sentences.
📌 How to Outline a 2000-Word Essay?
An academic paper of 2000 words is not always an essay. A text of this length is more likely to be a research paper, term paper, or extended essay. An outline for such an assignment is more complicated than that for a standard essay. In addition to the usual parts (introduction, body, and conclusion), you’ll probably need to include other elements like an abstract and methodology. The details will depend on the exact requirements.
📌 How Long Does It Take to Write 2000 Words?
How long does it take to write a 2000-word essay? It will take you 40-80 minutes to type 2000 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend a little over 6 and a half hours for a 2000-word paper.
📌 How Many Body Paragraphs Are in a 2000 Word Essay?
A typical 2000 words essay consists of 17 to 19 paragraphs. Each of the paragraphs should contain 75-150 words.