2000 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 3

2,081 samples

Management theories

The purpose of the essay is to show that in spite of the criticisms levelled on Fayol's management theories, they still form a foundation of management in modern society.

ABC Manufacturing Company

On the basis of the above information, the top ten criterion that ought to be put in mind when establishing a new-fangled or ensuring that the shipping warehouse is expanded either internationally or domestically will [...]

The Position of Wage Labor in the United States

Therefore, the paper reveals how the collaboration of the political goodwill and the restructuring of unions through proper legislative and administrative policy has promoted and fundamentally improved workers' interests, hence, improving the position of wage [...]

Alain Limited’ Management and Strategy

Knowledge Management has evolved in the last two decades from ideas based in artificial intelligence and the concepts that machines can learn to the more recent and accepted idea that knowledge is a combination of [...]

Blogging about Fashion

The blogs, as Huang, Chou, and Lin note, allows for individuals with common interest to come together to share information and ideas, as well as to gain knowledge from other members of the virtual community, [...]

Overpopulation Benefits

With this in mind, this paper shall set out to evaluate the impacts of overpopulation to the political, cultural, anthropological and economical perspectives to various economies and societies.

Ozone Depletion

He also observed that the levels of long-lived tracers were due to complex reactions and was unlikely to occur, and that the high levels of chlorine in the stratosphere was the most probable cause of [...]

Working in Teams

Towards the end, the practicality of working teams in organizations is examined and explanations are given to show why the actual implementation of a team is a difficult task.

Organizational Learning and Decision Making

These models consist of five common steps including definition of the decision, identification of criteria for the process, consideration of possible solutions, calculations of the consequences associated with the proposed solutions and selecting the best [...]

Depression in female adolescents

This technique differentiates between those characteristics that are considered normal by the society in relation to female adolescent and those that are peculiar which are symptoms of depression. However, there are side effects related to [...]

Will Robots Ever Replace Humans?

It is quite peculiar that Bolonkin uses negation in order to stir the audience's delight; more impressively, the specified approach works the pathos is concealed not in the description of the possibilities, but the compliment [...]

Changi Airport Singapore Analysis

Critical to quality are the priorities of customers that attribute a product being provided by the supplier. Customers therefore regard security as a critical factor to assessing the quality of the services offered at the [...]

Personality and Music Preferences

Kopacz's article is relevant to the current study because it helps the readers in the evaluation of music structure with respect to the set rules, which are known to composers and listeners.

Documented Journalism: Black Death

Therefore, in spite of the controversy surrounding the cause of Black Death, modern genetic studies have confirmed that Y.pestis is the bacterium that was responsible for the Black Death in Europe.

Child Innocence and Child Sexuality

In schools, the authorities were constantly vigilant regarding the sexual activity of students: The space for classes, the shape of the tables, the planning of the recreation lessons, the distribution of the dormitories, the rules [...]

Paphitis’ Business Career Case

He maintained the business when the friend left and managed to partner with Hanover Druce, a property group. Paphitis has also benefitted from "points in the favour of ordinary shares" to boost his business finance.