2200-Word Essay Examples. Page 3

2,919 samples

Fashion Sociology

In the view of evolution of fashions and clothing, the modern society is shaping its identity by allowing unique members in the society to have freedom of exercising their values and beliefs in relation to [...]

Police Abuse and Laws Against It

It is no doubt that the police are there to protect the welfare of the public in general and also to maintain orders as provided by the law.
  • Subjects: Law
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2229

Community Interpreting

The rise in demand of professional interpreters in almost every field in the society has inspired the growth and significance of competent interpreters in the industry.

The Tang Dynasty: China’s Golden Age

Chang'an city grew to become one of the largest cities in the world and it popularly gained the name 'Heyday of Kaiyuan', and the Tang Dynasty at this period reached the peak of its prosperity.

Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts

Another innovation to meet the request of their guests was the installation of plugs and data ports on the desks, to prevent their guests from crawling under the desks to plug in their devices and [...]

Free Zones in UAE

This study analyses the idea of Free Zones as it applies in the UAE and other regions of the world. UAE is one of the regions that are leading in the establishment of free zones [...]

Personality and Validation

Given that different tests can give varied outcomes of same variable, it is imperative that there is validation of both the tests and variables to establish their consistency and reliability in measuring certain constructs of [...]

The Nissan Motor Company Limited

Product positioning refers to the marketers' abilities to arrange or distribute a range of products or services in a manner that arouses interest of consumers in a company at the expense of its competitors.

Fair Trade US organization

This assertion implies that the organization seeks to solve social-economic problems of the suppliers of products fitting the definition of 'fair trade products.' In the continued effort to resolve the social-economic problems faced by the [...]

Gunpowder in China

According to research findings, gunpowder technology was discovered in Asia by the Chinese in the 9th century and was used to make firearms before being used in the manufacture of rockets.

Water Usage in University of Ottawa

This report through the use of the 2012 Ottawa University Environmental journal database will examine current trends in water usage and consumption among members of the University of Ottawa community in order to determine whether [...]

The Impact of Mongol Invasion in Ancient Arab

This period marked the defeat of Israeli crusaders and the elimination of the Ismaili Fatimid threat in the Middle East. It was therefore unsurprising when the Baghdad invasion marked the decline of Arab civilization and [...]

The Science of Behavior in Business

The science of behavior can be defined as a process of understanding the impact of behavior on the performance of a business, and how this behavior can be manipulated by a leader to help in [...]

“Goodbye, Dragon Inn” by Dir. Tsai Ming-liang

Despite being painful and quite antisocial, to think about the traits portrayed by the juveniles in the theatre, especially the young man who arrives in the cinema looking for fellow gays, this part remains very [...]

“Trilogy” Organization’s Problems

The discussion of the above issues is preceded by a discussion of key concepts in organizational development, such as organizational learning, the benefits of organizational learning, and how to create and sustain a learning organizational [...]

Employee Surveys: Challenges

One of the achievements of the survey is its ability to offer information that permits the management to focus its energies on improving a number of programs and processes in the organization.

Managing for Organizations

The paper will focus on the various aspects of management that have been acquired during the course of the studies and these aspects include emotional intelligence and positive work environments, functional and dysfunctional control systems [...]

Bill AB 119 by Dave Jones

The proposed legislation makes illegal health schemes and health insurance providers from charging a payment, cost, or charge degrees of difference for health care assurance on the grounds of gender of the soon-to-be subscriber, or [...]

Information Management Systems

It also discusses the importance of such systems in the context of the need to handle big data. For transaction processing system, the appropriateness of the dealings is overly dependent on the accurateness of the [...]

Risk Management Theoretical Concepts

Some of the relief activities conducted in the event of a disaster include repairing the vital utility lines that are destroyed by a disaster, food provision to the affected, and relocation of people in the [...]

Asian Studies of the Khadi’s Cloth

According to Mahatma Gandhi, the Charkha and the Khadi represented civilization for the country; it enabled the country to display its potential in creating its resources and employing the huge population of youths.

States of Consciousness

The various concepts will help in understanding the individuals' states at normal conditions and give an insight to the state of being of an individual when the state of consciousness is altered.

The Bottom Billion

The citizens of these countries continue to live in abject poverty in spite of the international aid. Paul Collier clearly explains that the development and political stability of these nations are essential to the stability [...]