2900-Word Essay Examples. Page 5

673 samples

Tsar Alexander I and the Holy Alliance

Catherine the great was advocating and persuading the young Alexander to adopt the principles of the Genevois philosopher, Rousseau. The Bessarabia and the parts of the black sea in the eastern side were also seized [...]

Chemise a la Reine as a Dialectical Image

His references to the role of the dialectical image and its possibility to create a meaning help to understand that the dialectical image is not the method that can be used in the analysis of [...]

City of Perth, Australia Exploration

The city of Perth in Australia has a rich heritage in terms of cultural values and attitudes which define the culture of the city and this is evidenced by the exotic buildings and open spaces [...]

Fault and Event Tree

The heat exchanger is also a vital part of the nuclear power reactor which is responsible for the cooling and therefore its failure is tremendous to the operation of the system.

Human Sanctity: Darfur Crisis

The writer recommends paying attention to the development of strategies for paying the compensation for the Darfur victims, dismantling systems of violence, supporting the United Nations African Union Mission in Darfur peace initiative and regulating [...]

Water Management in Houston

The consumers also participate in the management of the water sources. The main sources of water in Houston include lakes, rivers, aquifers, reservoirs and wells.

Types of Plastic & Their Substitutes

Manufacturers utilize various techniques in polymerization and one of these is the application of several additives to vary the plastic properties and to attain the desired results for commercial purposes.

Managerial Finance Conceptions

The relationship between the shareholders and the managers is well represented by the principal-agent theory. The company owners' interests and goals may differ from those of the managers, as the shareholders are interested in [...]

Culture of an Individual from Kenya

She shook my hand in greeting but disclosed that in some subcultures in Kenya elders touched the index and middle finger to the forehead of a minor in greeting among the Maasai, or the minor [...]

New Product Development (NDP)

The paper also conducts interviews on customers and company employees about the reception of Google China's new products with the aim of developing an understanding on the effectiveness of NPD practices of the company.

Verizon Communications Organizational Needs

The following are the key goals of the organization To improve the financial position of the organization To enhance employee productivity To promote an efficient students' record keeping To facilitate effective communication between the student [...]

Anthropologie Industry as an Economic Sector

Anthropologie industry as an economic sector is getting a new approach in the 21st century due to the changing lifestyles and the need of the people to experience the various cultural diversity through various aspects [...]

Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Fashion

In this paper, the aim is to discuss the eco-friendly and sustainable practices in the fashion industry and forces that may affect the efforts of the stakeholders in this industry as they try to embrace [...]

Diversity and Cross-Cultural Management

The bail-out strategy that the UK administration adopted in the face of the global financial crisis that began off in 2007 underline the change acceptance as well as the resilience that is synonymous with the [...]

iPhone Operating Systems Analysis

The user interface of the iPhone Operating System is characterized by direct manipulation of the interface items and a multi-touch approach which involves the use of screen synaptic to control the components of the iPhone.

Aviation Security: Cyber Threats

The rapid development of technologies along with the reconsideration of traditional methods cultivates a new way of thinking that includes the extensive use of digital devices to attain improved outcomes and facilitate the shift of [...]

Cycling Culture in France

This prompted the political optimists and individuals profiting from the changes to equate the change with progress and the promise of a greater future for the nation.

International Business Strategies Project

In addition, this report will address the specific challenges of BA in internationalization of the business especially focus on the challenges in the US market and provide the solution of the dilemmas to operate in [...]

Quality management

Statement of the design and methodology Through a performance and SWOT analysis of Google, we understand the company's operating environment, and why it is important for it to manage quality in its products.