650-Word Essay Examples. Page 4

4,780 samples

Deontological Ethics in Business

Based on Kant's argument, the thesis of this case study is "We should act based only on those maxims for which we would be happy if the actions were to become universal laws" The first [...]

Behavior change theory

The implementation of evidence-based practices in changing the behavior of health workers is a complex task, as it depends on the ability of individuals to change their behaviors and the type of approach used.

Trends in the Workplace

Therefore, to ensure that the employees of this organization carry this change successfully, the relevant employees that will be involved in the operation and management of this system will be taught how to use this [...]

Ethnic Groups and discrimination

In line with Takaki's writing on a "A different mirror", the Native Americans were as a result of settlements by people of various ethnic groups such as Africans, pilgrims and Asians in the nineteen sixties.

Retirement and Its Effect on the Economy

Principally those economic problems that the article highlights as arising from the effects of delayed retirement common to the experience of the United States problems, which the article's twin author's correctly point out somewhat unique [...]

Decline of Polar Bears

It must be noted that the natural environment of polar bears are the frozen vistas and tundra of the arctic, which undergo a periodic freeze and thaw cycle which affects not only the shape of [...]

Casablanca: In Pursuit of Humanity

Doubtlessly one of the movies that make the bulk of the American timeless classics of cinema, Casablanca was never actually intended to be that big a hit; though definitely aiming at success, the Warner Bros.never [...]

Romanticism and the Modern Theatre

The statement by the Romantic writer confirms the need to involve ordinary people in the theatre. The relationship between Faust and the devil in Goethe's play is different from that in the traditional myth.

Bio-Terrorism Preparedness and Response

In this regard, the use of biological elements cannot be effective in combating the enemies of any given state. During the First World War the use of biological weapons was adversely preferred because almost every [...]

Does Gender Affect Leadership?

The number of women who are reaching top positions in the management of an organization is very less, though nowadays there is some change in this fact and so many women are holding top leadership [...]

The Alcatraz Proclamation

However, the federal government opposed the reclamation of Alcatraz Island because it wanted the American Indians to assimilate into the American culture and adopt a civilized way of life.

Peridot – Natural Sciences

The first reason that explains why the topic is important relates to its ability to help individuals understand the significance of the mineral, while the second reason is its power to facilitate easy identification of [...]

Mass Extinction Theories

It can thus be speculated that the species that could not withstand the effects of global warming had to become extinct due to the adverse changes in climate.

Responsibilities of Employers to Employees

For instance the needs assessed by the employer for training or refreshing the skills of the employee give the impression on goals attainment and duty-of-care by the employer. The paradigms of the responsibilities of the [...]

The Importance of Persuasion in Management

Persuasion enables a manager to get things done faster in an organization through the employees. Effective persuasion enables a manager to address challenges facing the organization and find acceptable solutions in the organization.

Human Behavior Prediction

It is important to understand that individuals may be tempted to act in a particular manner following their free choices; however, they have to restrain themselves, therefore acting according to the expectations of the society.

STA Travel Company Marketing

Some of the activities that STA Travel Company does online with the concept of marketing mix to attract its market segment include effective use of the 7Ps that the mix provides.

Student Drinking Behavior

The relationship and interaction of the students and society contribute a lot to the drinking behavior in HBCUs. Engaging in drinking among students has a variety of effects on the life and character of the [...]

Gestation Housing in Swine Production

Given that the nutritional demands of pregnant sows vary according to their sizes and stage of gestation, farmers can accurately determine the amount of food for each sow without the fear of sows depriving each [...]

Postwar Change in American Society

The expansion of the oldest manufacturing companies and the emergence of new ones, especially computer firms, were other factors that contributed to the boom as they directly created job opportunities or indirectly through the service [...]

Arizona Immigration Law Reform

As revealed by American Immigration Council, various Acts have been developed in the Law system to enhance the improvement of the situation in the state, with an aim of integrating the people and the police [...]

Evolution and Speciation’s Four Forces

The process of evolution is subject to many forces, which drive the development of species, variants, and populations of organisms. Thus, this essay seeks to define and examine micro-evolution and macro-evolution, species and population, evolutionary [...]

The Gypsies Community Profile

In the olden days, Gypsies lived and travelled in wagons drawn by horses, but modern day Gypsies live and wander through the world in caravans. Gypsies treasure children, and it is the responsibility of a [...]