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6,305 samples

Merrill Lynch’s GPC Group

The rate of application determines the operating model to be adopted in the company. The operating model quadrant used in Merrill Lynch's GPC has enabled it create a standard technology platform that allows to share [...]

Tsunami Disasters in Okushiri Island

In addition, fire outbreaks also contributed to the devastating effects of the tsunami. In addition, the question of educating and passing information about dangers of tsunami contributed to massive loss of lives.

Internal Revenue Service Transformation

The stakeholders in IRS transformation included the government, outside institutions, IRS employees and the public. The organization lacked mechanisms that could allow the presentation of taxpayers' records in a simple and clear manner understandable to [...]

National Identity Cards in Developing Countries

The proposed research study will seek to assess the loopholes that exist in the system for registered citizens in developing countries, particularly, in relation to financial infusion, insecurity, and terrorism, with a view of categorizing [...]

Aggression in Adolescents

It is important for teachers and parents to differentiate between aggression and the onset of adolescence. Through proper observation and monitoring, it is easy to differentiate between cases of childhood aggression and cases of adolescence.

“Sex and the City” Concept

Still, such concepts like female sexuality, fame, the desire to achieve something and become someone in the city remain to be of the same importance and are characterized male desire to gain control over the [...]

Quality Management Model: Deming Prize

Examples of the excellence models include the EFQM model and the Deming Prize Model. Deming Prize and EFQM are examples of excellent models designed to enhance the current situation and focus on the future creation [...]

“Who is a hero?”

In the ancient times, a hero in the Greek was regarded as a person with overwhelming courage to face the challenges that affected the community, some of the common challenges of the ancient times included [...]

Customer Service in the UAE Banking Sector

What are the dimensions that have affected the level of service quality the most in UAE Islamic banks? Jabnoun & Khalifa carried out a research study on the dimensions of service quality that affect the [...]

Service Marketing in the 21st Century

Embracing the period of 1992 2009, the authors of the study have outlined the milestones of the industry development and defined the key concerns of 21st-century service marketing.

Burt Rutan Biographical Studies

Through his company, he designed several planes that have left a legacy in the aviation industry. The success is a major achievement in the aviation industry, especially for the private industry and the rejuvenation of [...]

“The Barn Burning” by Peter Werner

Intensely affected by his father's behavior, Sarty does not pause to look back and return to his family"."Barn Burning" reveals class conflicts, vengeance, and the influence of fathers that the viewer observes through the third-person [...]

Pharmaceutical Industry’s Leadership and Change

The principles of organizational behavior enable the leader to deal with different aspects of human behavior, especially in the context of corporate organizations. He must also possess the ability to determine the appropriate actions that [...]