800 Words Essay Examples + How-to-Write Guide. Page 2

7,673 samples

Discovering Cumberland Island

One unique thing with this island is that, its weather; you can imagine living home in a quite chilly morning, hence the need to cover yourself, only to find that you have abused the weather [...]

Absolutism in French Revolution

It means that the contemporaries of Louis XIV did not use this term, but preferred to use the word-combination "absolute power of the crown", which they understood as the "concentration of sovereign authority in the [...]

Life of Polar Bears

The polar bear is a native of bear found within the Arctic Circle that encompass the Arctic Ocean at the North Pole and the adjacent land.

Ethical Aspects of the Financial Crisis

Yet, they would agree that to some degree, the origins of the financial crisis can be traced to the immoral behavior of some individuals who attempted to maximize their own benefits of at the expense [...]

The History of Barbie

To my mind, it is quite captivating to investigate the creation of Barbie dolls, specify the impact of Handler's daughter, and clear up why this very doll turns out to be so interesting for lots [...]

The Rise of Business Science

Our world has flattened considerably within a short period of time, and the development of technologies provide people with a chance to reduce own efforts and to get more benefits[1].[2] Technological development requires business and [...]

Gender and global political economy

The interactions of the genders in global politics and the economy are perceived differently in different cultures. The economic output of such women is generally high, and they are well positioned to participate in political [...]

Defining the Concept of Civilizations

Recognizing this phenomenon as a complex one, researchers integrate materialistic and spiritualistic approaches to defining it, considering physiological peculiarities of the development of the nervous system, geographical and social environment, and system of beliefs as [...]

Women in the Workforce

When women notice that they are being underpaid because of their gender they should arrange for an appointment with their employer so as to give the employer a room to explain his or her reasons.

Marketing in real life

Marketing is an important exercise in a company; it ensures that target customers access goods and services a company manufactures. It is through marketing that a company understands the expectations of its target market.

Neil Simon’s Brighton Beach Memoirs

The directing of the play managed to extend the subtext through the portrayal of actors as adults and children. In addition, the director strived to render the play as the funnier property through deploying Eugene [...]

Romantic and Neo-classic Art

This paper will highlight the differences between Watteau's painting of the storm from the neoclassical era and Delacroix's storm painting from the Romantic era.

How to be a Bodybuilder

The first important consideration to be made in the process of muscle building is paying attention to the type of food eaten by bodybuilders.

Sociology of Everyday Life

The sociology of everyday life is important to the study of Sociology since it enables sociologist to understand the complexities of everyday life and the factors that determine social interactions.

Unethical business research conduct

Unethical business conduct simply refers to the illegal business policies that are aimed at manipulating the consumers to believe in information that is based on unfair and untrue grounds so as to woe them to [...]

Bless Me, Ultima

To understand the role of Ultima in the formation of Antonio's perception of the world, it is better to consider the final Ultima's words, "I bless you in the name of all that is good [...]

Denver Health’s private cloud

Use of Thinldentity will boost the quality of services they deliver to the students and other stakeholders. In conclusion, Thinldentity has improved the status of Denver Health and should continue to be implemented.

Not ignorant, Not helpless

Since the main message of the article is that women are strong and that they are not what the west perceives them to be, the article should have concentrated on the positive efforts of women [...]

Federal Budget Simulation

It is impossible to reduce the budget deficit by only cutting spending, the revenue should be raised as well as only in this case the balance may be achieved and the participants of the budget [...]

Rape as a Tool of War in DRC

Sexual violence continued in the Congo throughout the peace process and the national elections in 2006. The war in the Democratic Republic of Congo led to a serious economic crisis.