800 Words Essay Examples + How-to-Write Guide. Page 48

7,697 samples

Wealth Management Analyst Project

The structure of the investor household is largely consisting of married couples with children because these households have a higher income and are more likely to be able to save for retirement.

The Globalization Influence on Dubai

The three facets of globalization taken into account in this report are trade, movement of people, and capital movements and their effects on the people of Dubai because they often impact a region's economy and [...]

Privacy in Marriage: Rights Violations

While this approach differs from the notion of the Living Constitution, which holds that the constitution should be read in the context of current times and political identities, even if such interpretation is at odds [...]

Eastern and Western Philosophers

Thus, Confucius formulated the measure of human virtue and stressed the importance of learning and love in the human life: "The nature and duties of the human being must be studied diligently and cultivated, he [...]

Positive Impact of Islamic Art on Society

Its impact of social and cultural development of the Islamic World and other cultures can be considered to be positive because it has introduced uniqueness, originality, and unity of Islamic culture, architecture, media and politics.

Tattoo Disadvantages

The other reason why I disagree with tattoos is that they lower the self-esteem of the person wearing them. Thirdly, I disagree with the idea of getting tattoos because they negatively affect the health of [...]

Importance of Moral Values

This makes individuals believe that they are better and superior to the rest which can result in their downfall or lead them to dangerous situations. This is a vice that should be condemned in the [...]

Stock Market Essay

As compared to other investment opportunities, although investing in the stock market can be a risky undertaking, the stock market offers a dependable performance of a diversified portfolio of stocks.

“On the Subway” Poem by Sharon Olds

It should be stressed that the author strived to disclose the atmosphere of fear and silence not through the characters, but through the title; the subway is not described in the poem, but all its [...]

Women and Their Achievement

There are many examples in the past and present that demonstrate the variety of women's achievements and support the idea that each woman can accomplish even more than she believes.

Moral Values in Education

Schools are relied upon by the community and parents to instill and reinforce moral values among students. Those people who support the argument that schools should teach morality are of the view that it is [...]

Pets and people

In this case, the dogs can have the aspect of love in the same manner as human beings. However, the inner calm and satisfaction that are depicted by dogs are similar to that of humans.

Sonnet 116 Analysis

The third subdivision of this poem argues that the nature of love is not subject to the passage of time. The language and the style used in this poem only enhances Shakespeare's message of love.