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“Radio” (2003) by Michael Tollin

In contrast to the freedom of accepting disabled individual in the community, the movie depicts the destructive effects of prejudices toward a mentally impaired person through the prism of high school bullying.

Media Law and Ethics in Kentucky University

In regard to the case of H.-L.vs.the Kentucky University, one must mention that the right to publish the information related to the students and the educational institution in question aligns with the principles of freedom [...]

Performing Post-Discharge Telephone Calls

Thus, to find the most relevant articles, it was important to use such keywords as 'surgery', 'surgical patients', 'follow-up', 'follow-up call', 'telephone', 'telephone follow-up', 'telephone call', 'post-discharge', 'post-discharge follow-up', and areadmission' in different combinations in [...]

Fast Fashion and Ethical Consumption

A narrative literature review is selected to analyse and synthesise available information on the impact of fast fashion on society. The integration of articles is expected to reveal the gaps, tendencies, and limitations that exist [...]