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Neurotransmitters and Their Importance for Human Body

Neurotransmitters transmit information to adjoining cells such as neurons."Neurotransmitters also operate from the brain and spinal cord to organs of the digestive system, respiratory system, endocrine system, excretory system, etc, and back"."Regulating neurotransmitters in the [...]

Contracts Types and Purpose

Contractors in fixed-price contracts can adjust the price of the contract if the contract has an economic price adjustment. The total cost of the contract is estimated and a price ceiling is also set.

Concept of Slavery Rousseau’s Analysis

Rights and slavery are presented by the thinker as two contrary notions; Rousseau strived to provide the analysis of rights in their moral, spiritual sense; the involvement into dependence from the rulers means the involvement [...]

Criminal Sanction and its Importance

The other operative role of criminal sanctions in the enforcement of these laws is that; these sanctions are used as the basis on which criminal prosecutions regarding the violation of these laws are lodged.

Money Role in Macro Economy

The dollar is till now the most accepted currency in the world and this dollar fluctuation that has been caused by the worst recession in American history since the time of the Great Depression is [...]

Cosmetic Surgery Implications

A good evaluation of the pros and cons of cosmetic surgery should be considered because after all, this is surgery and there are high possibilities of complications that arise later on after surgery.

“Babel” by Alejandro Gonzalez

The director attempts to show that regardless of where in the world you are in, and despite the cultural, geographical, and linguistic boundaries, a gun speaks the one language common to all men regardless of [...]

Wind and Architecture: Design

The movement of the wind is very difficult to predict and modern architects take this factor into account when they develop structure of the building as well as ventilation system.

Augustine and His Confession

Augustine, in the first book, looks at his infancy and confesses his inclination to all the pleasures and vices than to the study of the scriptures. He confesses to the shame and guilt of his [...]

Cognition and Formal Operations Stage

The formal operations stage occurs at the age when adolescents are attached to their schools, and thus, many of their needs and problems might as well influence them academically. It can be concluded that the [...]

Female Adolescent Violence

It discusses how the authors of this article and other articles in this text explain the choices girls make to use violent strategies in particular contexts.

Ethical Issues at Sunbeam Company

He drove the company to further debt, reduced sales, and employee dissatisfaction which had a great impact on investors, and thus he had to manipulate figures to regain investor confidence and maintain the value of [...]

Emerging Business Ethics Issues

Some of the issues that arise in the business environment and calls for fairness, honesty, and integrity are intimidating behaviors exhibited in the business, sexual harassment, discrimination as well as conflict of interest.

Eastern Crisis of 1875-1878

Starting with the Herzegovinian peasant revolution in July of 1875, the Austro-Hungarian diplomacy was the one that was particularly held responsible for the crisis while the European diplomacy was the one that was generally held [...]

Henry Matisse’s Portraiture

In the painting Reclining Odalisque, in particular, he captures the essence of a feminine structure, the softness, and the graceful beauty of the abstract body form in these portraits.

Importance of Science of Geology

The importance of geology is shown in the location of natural resources that comprise minerals, petroleum and natural gas. The importance of geology is witnessed in the detection and control of natural hazards.

“Superiority” by Arthur Clarke

The reading of Arthur Clarke's short story "Superiority" had brought me to the following set of conclusions, in regards to how story's motifs relate to particulars of my professional affiliation: The implementation of groundbreaking technologies [...]