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The Male Role’ Changes

Men are raised to emulate to their fathers, who are expected to be strong and capable providers for their families. The Levant points out to the fact that men are no longer the sole breadwinners [...]

Relationship with Cell Phones

Cell phones are people's new relationship because people use them to execute many of their daily activities. They have encouraged multitasking and solitude because people spend a lot of time interacting with information and communication [...]

Online Marketing Industry Future

The online marketing sector is changing rapidly due to the current trends in technology. The online marketing industry will change in the coming years.

Procurement Management

Whichever the option, a well managed procurement department and processes are beneficial to accompany in the following areas: The quality of a company's products and services is subject to materials used in the production.

Human Capital Management in Organizations

The lesson to be learnt in the company's exercise was that the information obtained after gathering the relevant facts was invaluable to the formulation of the staffing strategies and therefore this case should act as [...]

Intercultural Communication: Different Aspects

Discussing the main aspects of the inter-cultural communication, Carol Myers-Scotton focuses on the role of globalisation in the process, on differences between collectivistic and individualistic cultures which influence the particular features of the representatives' communication, [...]

Do People Inherit their Personality?

Further, as psychological research studies show, although some aspects of an individual's personality traits, for example, intelligence are purely products of genetic inheritance, the ability of individuals to act in a certain ways depend on [...]

Plein-Air Painting: History and Factors

A number of researchers attribute Plein-Air painting to a number of inventions made in the 19th century. The French impressionists were a group of artists from the 19th century who studied the impact of light [...]

The Ars Antiqua Music Concept

Ars Antiqua is a Latin word describing ancient art from 1100 to 1300 in some parts of France even though the exact infiltration of the usage of the word in other places has not been [...]

Hip Hop Dance

The TV shows such as the Wild style, Soul Train and Breakin, Beat Street also contributed in showcasing hip hop dance styles during the early periods of hip hop hype.

The Neglect of the Elderly

In this context, elderly neglect is the failure of caregivers to discharge their responsibility appropriately. Thirdly, caregivers and other people working with the elderly should be given proper recognition to boost their morale.

Westernization of the World

From this review, it is clear that the author links westernization to colonization, which means that adoption and practice of western culture by third world countries is similar to colonization.

Criminal Justice in Canada

This type of sentencing is based on the philosophy that the offender should maintain close family ties, be productive in the workplace, and actively participate in the community programs that are available to him/her. The [...]