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Basic Technology and Human Rights

If some people are able to enjoy the facilities being introduced as a result of technological improvisations, and it reaches to a chosen few, with no chance in sight of reaching out to large number [...]

Can Film Be Non-Narrative: Discussion

These include communicativeness, the measure in which the narrative divulges knowledge, and the depth of the knowledge divulged, in other words, the degree to which the viewer is informed about the inner life of the [...]

French and American Revolutions Compared

French Revolution American Revolution Origins of Revolution The French Revolution began to develop in response to economic problems observed in the state because of the outcomes of the agricultural crisis of 1788-1789. Food shortages were observed, and Louis XVI asked the clergy and people to collaborate in overcoming the financial crisis.1The public discontent caused the […]

Legalization of Prostitution: Discussion

Women have historically been restricted in their choice of profession such as in areas of education, politics and business [often referred to as the 'glass ceiling'] and their right to choose should not be limited [...]

The War on Terror Cannot be Won

Western nations are invading the culture, governments and sovereignty in a region of the world where religious fanaticism exceeds the fervor of what is commonly known in the the 'Bible Belt.' It is little [...]

Cultural Diversity: Chippewa Indians

There were overt attempts to racially segregate the Indians in a successively smaller area, and the Indians were ultimately left to the mercy of the US government."The said Chippewa Indians surrender to the United States [...]

Is There Such a Thing as Impressionism in Music?

The title of the cycle may also call into play the very process of reflecting and mirroring, both the "reflection" of moods in colors or sounds and a person's mirroring in social interaction, including feedback [...]

History: Age of Discovery 1450-1700

The Age of Discovery, or as it is also called the Age of Exploration, was an epoch from the early 15th century and ongoing into the early 17th century, throughout which European vessels journeyed around [...]

George Gordon Byron – a Romantic Poet

Thus, Lord Byron was involved in political struggle and considered one of the revolutionists of his time. Byron died of malaria in Greece while preparing to assist in the Greek war of independence against the [...]