1100-Word Essay Examples. Page 28

7,104 samples

Werkbund Movement in Architecture

Following the formation of the Deutsche Werkbund movement and the subsequent establishment of high-quality materials and techniques, Muthesius argued that the movement's work had just commenced.

Gene Expression Using Quantitative Real Time PCR

The establishment of the exact products of the expression of certain genes calls for specialized molecular analytical procedures. This experiment had an objective to determine the gene expression levels of the genes encoding CHOP/GADD153, BiP [...]

Mobile Money Transfer Service

The Vodafone team managed to keep mobile banking service simple to its users. Soon mobile banking became a form of viral marketing and drove the growth of the company and its services.

Greco-Roman v. Modern Sexuality

The Greco-Roman world can be defined as the geographical area around the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. The differences in social ranks affected the spread of knowledge in sexuality among men and women of [...]

Hector Berlioz Symphonies

Although he was nurturing his works in a period when there were other famous symphonies, he managed to remain outstanding in his compositions and was eventually a pillar of symphony history. Berlioz admited that in [...]

Jesuit Missions in China

The Jesuits in China represented one of the most significant events in the relations between China and the West. The missionary efforts in the county also played a huge role in the introduction as well [...]

Transcultural Issues in Treating Elderly

Ability to understand the cultural peculiarities of a patient may be a bridge to develop proper communication channels and raise patients' awareness about their conditions and approaches they have to employ to maintain certain lifestyles.

Urban Violence Case in Ferguson

The other angle of looking at the violence is the manner at which the protesters reacted to the shooting. The first violence was reactive since the protesters were seeking to stop the racial injustices and [...]

Legal Incident Reporting Requirements

Hence, RCA is bound to leaving out a situation that is more complex in the investigation of the single cause. Effectiveness of RCA depends on precise identification and description of events leading to the problem.

Zeitgeist Spirit in “The Internship” Movie

This revolution has brought about workplace day-care programs, extended paternity leaves, recreational facilities in the workplace, additional employee freedom, and giving employees access to free stuff."The Internship" is able to capture the Zeitgeist spirit of [...]

Ruth St. Denis’s Biography

Denis was born in 1879 in New Jersey to Ruth Emma Denis who was a physician by training. She intended to translate her understanding of the "Indian culture and mythology to the American dance stage [...]

Portfolio Theory and Diversification

For instance, James Tobin added the concept of the risk-free asset to the analysis and this led to the creation of the capital market line and super-efficient portfolio. Further, studies indicated that the use of [...]

Cost for Failed Systems: NASA Program

Thus, the failure of system engineers to use the correct coding metrics was the root cause of the MCO problem. As a result of the aforementioned mistakes during the coding process, the MCO was not [...]

Economic Priorities Ranking

The business activity decreases in the economy and therefore reduces the Gross Domestic Product of the economy. Price control refers to the government setting of the highest price or the lowest price that a given [...]

Safety in the Area of Nursing Care

Thus, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the overall importance of QSEN, to describe the competency of safety and the associated statement, to explore the existing evidence-based research, and to apply the competency [...]

Balkans Physical Geography

To the west is the Adriatic Sea, to the south is the Mediterranean Sea which as well takes in the Ionian and Aegean seas, and to the east is the Black Sea.

Design Documentation Process

The leader should be dedicated and have the capacity to encourage all the other members to contribute to the process. The next step involves picking a technology to be used in the documentation process.