1350-Word Essay Examples. Page 9

4,220 samples

Hays Code in “The Public Enemy” Film

While the foreword at the beginning of the film claimed that the sole purpose of it was to "honestly depict an environment that exists today in strata of certain American life, rather than glorify hoodlum [...]

Chinese Civilization During the Han Dynasty

The history of the Han emperors, their conquering prowess, system of administration, scholars, innovators, entrepreneurs, and the common people represented emergence of a great Chinese culture. The success of the system prompted the government to [...]

Mass Shooting, Its Definition and Differences

Since it is easy to purchase handguns in America, and the recent incidents of mass shootings occurred in America, the supporters of this worldview insisted that mass-murdering students and teenagers are a uniquely American phenomenon.

Japanese History During the Meiji Restoration

It is against this backdrop that this paper explores the Meiji restoration and also uses pictures and image arts to appreciate the differences in time and models that were dominant during the imperial rule.

Physical Evidence in Criminology

One of the most widespread types of physical evidence is the so-called pattern evidence. It is necessary to note that the analysis of this type of evidence is similar to the one mentioned above.

The Movie “Crash” by Paul Haggis

This is the key point that the director of the film seeks to-drive-home; people are time-and-again swayed by their presumptions concerning other people and people's mindsets and behaviors are affected by the situations they find [...]

Health and Safety Legislation and Compliance

The high speed of modern life aimed at improving productivity, intensity, and quality of work lead to the premature ageing of the human body, to the growth of the frequency of psychological and physical diseases, [...]

Human Physiology and Exercise

In the case of athletes, a primary concern is the need to sustain the ability to perform physically demanding tasks, and in order to accomplish that goal, the athlete needs to consume the right types [...]

Articulatory Variation: Speech Patterns

The preliminary results of the comparative analysis demonstrate that English and Dutch phonetics differ in terms of sounds articulation and words stressing to a certain degree. The differences in sounds articulation are conditioned by the [...]

The Spirit of the Marshall Plan

The political and military tension between the United States of America and the Soviet Union soon after the end of the Second World War made it necessary for the United States to spread its influence [...]

Group Conformity in the Movie “Fight Club”

Thus, if an individual is in a certain circumstance, which is somewhat similar to a certain group's circumstance, they are more likely to adjust their own attitudes and behaviours and adopt the group's behaviours/attitudes towards [...]

Why Is Death Bad?

The common agreement among societies and individuals across the world is that death is not a pleasant thing. To begin with, Rogers acknowledges that death is painful and capable of affecting the lives of many [...]

The Paris Club History

The mere idea of confronting the consequences of the application of a gunboat policy or further economic sanctions is more than enough for borrowers to capitulate to the demands of lending institutions. It is a [...]