1850-Word Essay Examples. Page 4

702 samples

Smoking and Adolescents

To reduce incidences of smoking, some countries have raised the age permissible for smoking from 16 years to 18 years in the hope that the raised age will reduce the number of adolescents accessing tobacco [...]

Ethnographic Research Methods

Participant observation can be defined as a qualitative method in ethnology research that is used by researchers in the areas of cultural anthropology in which the researcher in given the opportunity to get a close [...]

Quality Gurus & their Philosophies

Awareness of the necessity of quality in the company is essential to the growth and survival of the company. Juran advocates for the company to identify major customers in the plan and ways in which [...]

History of the Telescope

This was not to be end of the journey in terms of improvement of the telescope. This kind of telescope solved the problem of chromatic aberration that was witnessed in the Keplerian telescopes.

Hegemonic Masculinity

The hegemonic masculinity theory is particularly significant in understanding concepts such as the predisposition of men to violence, the evaluation of social network analysis in relation to hegemonic masculinity and the links between social identity [...]

Walt Disney Company Managers

To understand the importance of change in management, we shall look at the evolution of Disney land's management styles and skills since its inception in the 1923 up to the successful reign of Michael Eisner.

The Impacts of Oil Spills on Marine Life

The intensity of aquatic effects is influenced by the nature and extent of the spilt oil. Besides, the severity might be influenced by the sensitivity and ambient state of the pretentious marine and their surroundings [...]

Dogs Playing Poker

The use of dogs in the painting is humorous in that the writer showed them doing human things and it was used to attract the attention of the viewer to the picture.

Panera Bread Financial Performance

The following brief report tries to examine the company's financial performance, its strengths and weaknesses as well as the strategies it has been applying to beat the other market competitors and still remain the consumers [...]

Chinese Odyssey II: Cinderella

Director Jeff Lau uses the element of light and framing to guide the viewers to understand the story, through the development of angles and photographic techniques.

Family and Marriage Therapy

The theory explains clearly how change is brought about because it suggests that the main objective of the therapist is to advice the client on how to achieve the best results in the future using [...]

The Voice of Faulkner

The death of Addie is also one of the dark and disturbing components of the narration. The end of the story illustrates that the entire piece has been a flashback since it talks about the [...]

Quality of Life in Contract Security

This topic is imperative because it is congruent with my area of professional interest [Manager] due to the following reasons: It will facilitate definition of roles that have the capacity of enabling the employees to [...]

Ethics and Nanotechnology

Although the development of nanotechnology is significant for the general technological progress of the contemporary science and it can meet the people's needs, from the perspective of their impact on humans, the achievements in nanotechnology [...]

HP Benchmarking Strategy

The two benchmarking processes have been important in helping the organization usurp the supreme position in the computer market from the Dell Corporation. Benchmarking has helped the organization to understand and to anticipate the action [...]

Communication in Entrepreneurship

Communication and organization performance The introduction of new communication standards that managers and employees have to comply with, therefore, can lead to an improvement in the overall performance of the entrepreneurship once the personal assets [...]

Personal Responsibility Essay

The main aim of one's personal responsibility is to ensure that the environment can also benefit from the gift of your appearance in that particular place or the society. Personal responsibility is the ability to [...]

Drug and Alcohol Testing

Thomas and Ulrike also explained that "the test result of the immunoassay and GC-MS are non-negative and confirm a concentration level of parent drug or metabolite above the well-known boundary, the MRO contacts the worker [...]

DHL and FedEx Companies

On the other hand, the strengths of the FedEx Company will compensate for the weaknesses of DHL. The future position of the market seeks to analyze the nature of the market in the face of [...]

Land Use In Houston: Zoning

As the city executes their free market economic and land use development policies, government infrastructure systems and land subdivisions systems remain the only process of land use that draws control from authorities. In some cases, [...]

Diversity Audit of Goldman Sachs

The brand management always considers the two before introducing it to the markets because of a strong relationship between the brand and culture though they are separate disciplines.