2000 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 9

2,081 samples

Photography: Brief History of Invention

At that time all images produced were in black and white and eventually all masters of the art came to believe that the only artistic way to record photographic images was in black and white. [...]

Risk Management Plan for Aramex

Even though it is based in the United Arabs Emirates, the strategic positioning of Aramex in the Gulf Cooperation Council has provided a platform for it to effectively provide logistics solutions to both regional and [...]

Covid-19 and Interior Design Points

Discussing interior design in particular, it can be noted that the profession has been impacted significantly by the events of the Covid-19 pandemic, and its existence can become the source of a palpable change in [...]

Psychology of Reconciliation

In Australia, reconciliation involves the process of creating awareness of the rights of all indigenous people while also endeavoring to create a good relationship between them and the rest of the communities comprising the Australian [...]

Starting a Business Enterprise

These are the opportunities that Shalom daycare has discovered and are prepared to improve in the organization so that it becomes the most influential business in the market by meeting the clients of the needs.

Serial Killers in Modern American Society

Based on the above-stated arguments, this paper forms research for evidence from some of the serial killers in modern American society and various tactics utilized by the investigative departments to determine and differentiate between serial [...]

State Report: Crime Rates in Wisconsin

Specifically, the overall violent crime rate diminished by a rate of six percent, and the rate of crime involving property dwindled by five percent. In the Murder category, the number of people murdered in Wisconsin [...]

Law of Tort: Critical Review

In order to prove the doctor or the medical practitioner guilty of negligence, the patient-who is raising the complaint-must prove that the medical practitioner failed to offer care.

Gangs and Juvenile Delinquency

Hallsworth and Silverstone argues that although there have been a lot of violence, the main source is not quite clear and people live by speculations that the violence is linked to the emergence of a [...]

Ethics of Decision-Making in Social Work

The ethics of decision-making is choosing one of the alternative ways of solving a problem based on the foresight of the immediate and long-term consequences of the decisions made and their responsibility.

International Business Major Assignment

The entry model for any business in the international market is quite critical and determines the rate at which the company harmonizes the operations in the subsidiaries in relation to the operations in the mother [...]

Modernist Art: A Feminist Perspective

Clarke limited the definition of modernism even further by his restriction of it to the facets of the Paris of Manet and the Impressionists, a place of leisure, pleasure, and excesses, and it seems that [...]

Researching of Antibiotic Resistance

The topic of significant interest is the causes and effects of antibiotic resistance. For developed countries, the major contributors to increasing antibiotic resistance are the excessive use of antibiotics in farming and a low [...]

Digitization in the Oil and Gas Industry

The oil and gas industry is one of the most vital industries in the current world. This essay will focus on the procurement and supply chain processes including the challenges faced when initiating these processes [...]

The Process of Moving to E-Commerce

It is essential to understand that this is cannot be a quick process and requires considerable fine-tuning as the project builds, referring to the feedback from testers and customers who will be the first to [...]

Starbucks: Diversity & Inclusion Case

According to the actions of Starbucks's CEO, the company's leadership understands the severity of the situation, takes full responsibility for the error, apologizes, and offers full support to victims of inequality and injustice.

Proctor & Gamble: Open Innovation Model

According to BaSic, the open innovation model is developed in the direction of innovation networks, innovation entrepreneurship, innovation cooperation and partnership, innovation ecosystems, and clusters, which are at the center of human capital innovation progress.