2500 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 4

1,523 samples

Sunsilk Strategy in the US Market

According to the ICMR report, the main purpose of Unilever to launch this brand in the US was to offer shampoo, creams, and other related products to minimize simple hair problems, for instance, it offered [...]

Data Collection and Analysis

Although I can hardly keep abreast of the work that needs to be completed for both district and state, however, I am encouraged by the fact that most of the data collected will constitute part [...]

De Luca Wines Company’s Problems

The inclusion of the other corporation in its operation was seen as not calling for considerable change in the leadership and planning strategies to be used and it is the reason that is widely accepted [...]

The World of Apple

Still, the majority of the firms are found in the common law countries, which are similar to the native one and make it easier to manage the business, as the organization is familiar with the [...]

Strategic Management of the BMW

The management of the company understood the fact that the global market would develop and that it was necessary for the company to be innovative and develop strategic policies to remain viable in the market.

Management Interview in Google

According to the manager, the corporate organization management model offers a sense of responsibility to the workers and the result is the greater contribution to the organization's objectives.

Sony Company’s Decision Making

In making these allegations, they argue that "one way of understanding modern organizational decision making is by supplementing the microeconomic study of strategic factor markets with an examination of the internal operation of the business [...]

Evaluation of Walmart

The 'in-time' logistics in the company has been the main reason behind its cost leadership in the market. The failure by Walmart to register a strong market share in China is attributable to the conservative [...]

German Resistance to Hitler

The aim of the pact was to protect each other against any military attack and at the same time attack other countries such as Greece by the Italians, Libya by the Germans, Indo-china by the [...]

Youth Crime. Prejudice: Is It Justified?

The reason behind the criminal prejudice is of course the variations of cultures in context with the 'Multicultural environment'. And while the image of the young offender has certainly changed in appearance over the second [...]

Effective Physical Security and Crime Prevention

Therefore, for effective implementation of the defense-in-depth strategy for the protection of assets, it is important to address the following issues: knowing the enemy, understanding the external enemies, defending against an internal enemy, and knowing [...]

Sexual Harassment in Modern Society

According to the Women's Centre of the University of Virginia, sexual harassment is any form of inappropriate behavior which includes requests for sexual favors, unwelcome sexual advances, other physical and verbal conduct, or written communications [...]

Chelyabinsk Nuclear Disasters Review

In the backwoods of Russia, there is a city of atomic weapons complex, which has survived three nuclear disasters in the last five decades. The inhabitants of the four biggest of these villages were never [...]

Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon

Some time Gilmour and Barrett spoke of "Pink Floyd" together, but in 1968 Barrett left the group, and Gilmour was the only guitarist of the group.

The NSTAR Strike of 2005: Reasons Analysis

This was one of the classic cases of union power in which the largest union of NSTAR, Local 269, revolted against the management and demanded that their work contracts be remedied so as to grant [...]

Starbucks: Strategic Management

Starbucks also sells the trademarks and licenses by using a number of channels and retail stores are regarded with specialty. However, the vital goal of the company is gain international recognition with operational specialty and [...]