400 Word Essay Examples. Page 12

1,679 samples

The Rosetta Stone in Ancient Egypt

In 1814, he began his work on interpreting the inscriptions on the Rosetta Stone as depicted in the documentary, 'Mystery of The Rosetta Stone: Documentary on Ancient Egypt and the Rosetta Stone.' During this process, [...]

China and Colonial Administration in Inner Asia

The paper "China and Other Colonial Empires" by Peter Perdue is devoted to the in-depth investigation of China during the Qing dynastys rule and elements that can evidence the imperialistic or colonial character of this [...]

Quantitative Approach to Research

Post-positivist approach says that the scientists are parts of the reality and can never be detached enough to be completely objective in the way they percept the reality. The levels are connected and each level [...]

Crime Prevention in the United States

In the case of shoplifting, the first process undertaken by the police could be to question the criminal on site, followed by contacting their legal guardians, referring them to a community agency, or arresting them.

Historical Events on American Governance

There were two main issues of the Articles of Confederation: the first was the nonexistence of central government authority. The former supported the constitution and argued that a strong central government was necessary to protect [...]

Nike: Measurements Analysis

It is hypothetical to verify the strength of the workers and determine how they adapt to working conditions. Improving the capacity of suppliers to better program their work both in quality and efficacy, significantly improves [...]

Nasa Exercise: Lost on the Moon

Two 100 pound tanks of oxygen Five gallons of water Stellar map Solar-powered FM transmitter/receiver Food concentrate First-aid kit with hypodermic syringes Fifty feet of nylon rope Parachute silk Signal flares

Tokyo’s Tourism-Related Efforts

The number of visitors and revenue from tourism serves as a measure of Tokyo's branding tactics' performance. Tokyo should implement new branding tactics to draw in a wider spectrum of tourists and improve the city's [...]

Early, High, and German Renaissance

The Renaissance was a pivotal time in the development of humanistic culture from medieval customs, leading to new techniques and materials that transformed the art and architecture landscape.

Immigration Policies in the United States

The United States has a long history of economic intervention in Latin America, often to the detriment of the region's economic stability.U.S.policies such as trade agreements and austerity measures have devastated the economies of many [...]

The Cultural Construction of Poverty

While governments have aimed to provide an equitable supply of basic needs for their citizens, the quest for this itself created a competition among governments so that there end the winners and losers: the rich [...]

Marzilli’s Fine Italian Foods: SWOT

In more detail, the major factors that according to Jim's opinion cause the decrease of revenues of the store are the process of moving out that the Italian population of the area goes through and [...]