500 Word Essay Examples + Topic Ideas. Page 10

4,108 samples

Qualitative Data Collection Methods

Observation is quite similar to the method mentioned above as the researcher is not involved in the process. Nonetheless, this strategy can help the researcher to address the research goals and elicit participants' ideas on [...]

Core Values in Education Sphere

The core values of integrity, service, and excellence are present throughout the childhood, school, college, and teacher education."Integrity First" is a primary value that stands for directness and transparency in every action.

Organizational Policy Statement

The policy statement indicates the consciousness and responsibility of individuals, organizations, and communities to the society and clients; it is designed for the personnel's understanding of the complexity and scale of the challenges that the [...]

Bernard Matthews’ Farm Marketing Issues

Valuable prizes and practical involvement should elicit in the customers the necessity to purchase Bernard Matthews' products and actively participate in the life of the brand. Nonetheless, the key changes should be performed in the [...]

Robert Smithson: Extraordinary Artist

The works on the website made me realize that Smithson was a person who paid much attention to the environment and the way it influences and is influenced by the population of the Earth.

Expo 2020 as to Impact on UAE Economy

The recent article UAE infrastructure being built for EXPO 2020 to be permanent, published in The National, one of the leading UAE news portals, highlights the statement by the Minister of State and Managing Director [...]

Economic and Social Issues in Japan

The events of March 11 contributed to widespread changes in the Japanese society and government. In the midst of the March 11 disaster, a political reformation occurred.

Fertility Issues and Sexual Positions

Even if a woman is menstruating, which is indicative of their potential to get pregnant, abnormal hormone levels within a woman's body can cause issues when it comes to the density of the uterine wall [...]

Consumer Protection Without Law

The purpose of this article is to investigate the regime of one-way contracts between the customer and the business, which binds the consumers to the business and not the other way.

Cyber Security and Employees

The major factors that define the thriving of cyber ganging are the insufficient level of employees' competence, the lack of knowledge about the technical side of information protection, and non-compliance with safety standards.

“The Housemaid” by Kim Ki-Young

In the time after the Japanese occupation and the Korean War, the country finally had a sense of peace and began its path to modernization and development, influenced by an influx of Western values and [...]

The Film “Chilsu and Mansu”

Rapid industrialization and modernization of South Korea resulted in the class divide and evident social dysfunction as communication became broken down, and the working class was isolated."Tribulations of two young men, symbols of the minjung, [...]

The Movie “Spring of the Korean Peninsula”

Japanese occupation Korea over the course of decades had significant impacts on the country's film industry."This period of Korea's 'occupied cinema' is best understood within these multiple contexts created by the pressures exerted by a [...]

“Daisy” a Film by Andrew Lau

The plot and cinematography maintain a somber tone that genuinely reflects the dark world of the protagonists but is cleverly contrasted with the sentimental symbolism of a daisy flower.

AXE Brand’s Environmental Scan

The products are sold in over 100 countries, which have different market demands and opportunities, as well as local competitors, which is why there is a need for a strong market strategy that would address [...]

American Health Policy and Poor Access

Effective access is associated with health outcomes, and efficient access is related to the cost-effectiveness of health services. The major problem the American healthcare system faces is related to effective access.

Civil Wars and Ethnic Identities

Growth collapses often cause civil wars, while the growth of the income reduces the possibility of war. Ethnic identities of individuals can also influence the spread of violence and the possibility of a civil war.