500 Word Essay Examples + Topic Ideas. Page 9

4,108 samples

The Preston Plant Problem Case

The story of survival of Preston plant started in 1998 when Preston plant's major client for printing papers, Hewlett-Packard, pointed out some problems experienced while using paper from Preston plant in dry conditions. In 2000, [...]

Project Investment Analysis and Its Role

In the case of new ventures, project investment analysis provides the basis for the profitability of a project by reviewing the financial implications of a proposed project against expected returns over a specific period of [...]

The Improvement of the U.S. Economy

Mainly, the paper targets the issues of the U.S.fiscal debates, the introduction of the American Reinvestment Act. According to the review of the content of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the beneficial reformations, which [...]


This is the ability to have a wide social presence. A person with this trait is kind, affectionate and has a high sense of integrity.

“A Quirky Way of Innovating”

In particular, Gans, the author of the article, reveals the idea that most of innovations are the result of people's desire to solve their specific problems, but not the united attempt of leading scientists to [...]

Differentiated Classroom: Foundations and Implications

Definition of Differentiation Differentiation in a classroom presupposes paying equal attention to every student taking into consideration personal preferences, emotions, and moods. Differentiation can be a challenging and time-consuming task as far as it requires great persistence, patience, and imagination. Justification for Differentiating Classroom Environment The differentiation of the classroom environment is significant because every […]

Les Ballets Jazz de Montreal and Zero in On

Two of the most innovative dance groups in the present-day world of dancing, Les Ballets Jazz de Montreal and Zero in On are well worth being considered as peculiar specimens of the way dance can [...]

A case study manager

This paper seeks to establish whether a case study manager should belong to a sole discipline, whether formal training is necessary for a case study manager, and whether there is any development in the career [...]

Supply Chain Management Theories

The ability of a firm to adhere to the terms and conditions of a contract and to enforce the variables stipulated in the contract ensures adherence to good procurement practices.

Real Estate Market in India

The primary aim of the paper is to analyze the real estate industry in India through the example of the Urban Plus Company using Porter's Five Forces and the PESTEL framework.

The Benefit of Personal Fitness

The importance of sports for the promotion of fitness and making one a better, more fulfilled person suggests both an explanation and a justification for the current and growing popularity of sports.