650-Word Essay Examples. Page 8

4,305 samples

The Net Zero Facility in Casa Grande

However, the considerations about the net zero project must be based on numerous factors, including the company's performance, some current trends in the market, and potential benefits of the proposed innovations.

Car Industry in Japan

The industry emerged in its specific way in different countries showing their exposure to the demands of the competitive world of economy and high expectations of customers.

Value Chain Analysis for Amazon

This organizational norm is dear to the firm since it keeps it at the forefront of other companies in the industry in terms of efficient exploitation of resources and the introduction of changes in the [...]

Nike “The Sweat Shop Debate”

According to the report, "majority of its shoes are manufactured in countries, such as China, Indonesia and Vietnam, where governments outlaw independent unions and have set very little wages, posing ethical and legal challenges to [...]

History of Nokia

Over a period o f time, the usefulness of Nokianvirta River led to the origin of the company name, Nokia. Nokia continued to conquer the world with new GSM handsets and in 1994, experts managed [...]

Pepsi Cola Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis does not limit itself to Companies often operating in the same market which targets customers with similar products but is wider and seeks to involve all those Companies that target the market segment [...]

Apple Watch Pricing Strategy

Through using the earlier pre-orders sales reports, it is clear that the Apple Watch pricing is and will be guided by the basis of the 80/20 price rule.

eBay Case Study

The platform brings together buyers and sellers in such a way that sellers have the opportunity to list their goods for sale and buyers to place their bids for the goods.

Google Refused Trademark for Nexus One

When Google applied for the 'Nexus One' trademark back in December 10th 2009, the they were shocked to learn that the United States Patent and Trademark Office had earlier given the 'Nexus' trademark to a [...]

Analysis of Google Business Plan

Google Inc is one of the most successful global organizations in terms of growth, financial stability, and marketing. According to Pinson, the mission of Google is "To Organize the world's information and make it universally [...]

Google’s Corporate Culture and its Success

The culture at Google fits all the needs and demands of the marketplace and the corporation itself. Through Google's corporate architectural culture, the company has been capable of instituting individuality before the public and its [...]

McDonaldization of IKEA

However, the flip side of this principle is the irrationality of the rational, resulting in the excessive complexity of finding the necessary product.

Chipping Away at Intel

Not only did he create the Architecture group aimed at combining the development and manufacturing processes of core processors, but also reorganized the same group in his third year at the helm to create a [...]

Roman History: Caesar Augustus

During Augustus's reign, the Roman Empire conquered Egypt, the land along the southern bank of the Danube, the northern part of the Iberian Peninsula, as well as the territory between the Rhine and the Elbe.

Theory Development in Nursing

This paper will consider the role of Nightingale in the formation of the nursing profession, discuss a study based on her theory, and analyze the relationship among theory, research, and practice.

Why slavery is wrong

When Douglass heard this story, he got the idea of how whites manage to keep blacks in a state of ignorance so that they cannot come out of their captivity. In his book, Douglass reveals [...]

GE: Product and Process Development

Headquartered in Boston, MA, GE is a giant digital industrial conglomerate dealing in a wide a range of products and services spanning from aircraft engines and parts, medical imaging, financing and power generation to industrial [...]