950-Word Essay Examples. Page 6

1,910 samples

Ali Al-Timimi’s Case of Terrorism

The jury pronounced a strict and fair sentence to Ali Al-Timimi in order to keep the order in the country. Al-Timimi's speech and actions were a sort of urge to levy war against the American [...]

Dragon Ball Z: Anime Review

Although many of these characters have back-stories in Dragon Ball, the main focus is on the characters Vegeta, Goku, and Gohan up to this point, being that they are the strongest and most pivotal to [...]

Ethics in Cyber Age

Therefore, ethics in cyber age is the breakdown of the environment and social impact of cyber space or computer technology along with the resultant development and validation of policies regarding ethical use of the information [...]

New Business and Blueprint for the Business

One of the support personnel will help the web specialist while the other one will be a nutritionist. The price for the service will depend on preliminary evaluation of how the customers will embrace the [...]

Managing Parties and Drinking on Campus

Based on this approach, the US Anti-Drunk Movement, the US Department of Higher Education, and the Center Of Drug Prevention should collectively urge and aid university administrators in adopting a comprehensive approach aimed at preventing [...]

The Parent-Involvement Research

The REB attempts to balance between the benefits accrued to students from the research and the degree of interference in classroom activities. Therefore, Deslandes and Bertrand should have submitted the overall value of the research [...]

Ethical Communication Methods

Ethical communication is necessary for delivering consistent and clear messages to the workforce and has to be the main priority for the leaders of the company when addressing all stakeholders.

Restrictions in Art and Literature

While children should be prevented from reading particular novels and watching certain movies, banning any pieces of art completely intervenes with the development of art and conflicts with the values of democracy.

Comparison of Two 20th Century Garments

However, the way it drapes around the body and forms a cylindrical shape is similar to Poiret's gown in question. It was a part of her concept of a "little black dress" Chanel's successful attempt [...]

Terrorism: A Definition and Analysis

The Federal Bureau of Investigation defines terrorism as the perpetration of violence and force unlawfully against people or property with a sole aim of intimidating or coercing the government or the targeted population or any [...]

Discussion of The Right to File a Lawsuit

My father and my friend's mother agreed that the right to file lawsuits can be seen as a protection, and a "representation of freedom", explaining that without such right we would not have been among [...]

Family Values in Nursing

The latter theory is useful in nursing practice because it acknowledges the importance of maintaining relationships between different family members as lack of this aspect can lead to health complications.

Ovarian Cancer: Medical Review

Strategies to evaluate biomarkers that help in diagnosing cancer at stage I or II and also in the prognosis of the relapse of the disease in the post-hospitalized patients would enable a better survival chance [...]

Writ of Habeas Corpus

In a decision that was voted 5-3 the court of appeals was found to have erred in denying the habeas petition by the Supreme Court.

Hand Washing in Health Care

These guidelines also offer information on the use of antiseptics and other hand washing or hand hygiene practices that will improve the process of preventing the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms. Hands should also be washed [...]

Juvenile Court Philosophy

This philosophy states that a rehabilitation program can prevent the children from committing crimes since it attempts to transform cognitively the distorted cognitive behavior of the child involved in criminal acts.