950-Word Essay Examples. Page 8

2,089 samples

Hand Washing in Health Care

These guidelines also offer information on the use of antiseptics and other hand washing or hand hygiene practices that will improve the process of preventing the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms. Hands should also be washed [...]

Juvenile Court Philosophy

This philosophy states that a rehabilitation program can prevent the children from committing crimes since it attempts to transform cognitively the distorted cognitive behavior of the child involved in criminal acts.

New Workplace Designs: IT Role

Managers and employees should not use technologies and new office designs as the sources of inertia and inactivity. Participatory design means that users are actively involved in the process of developing and implementing new office [...]

Ecosphere Care in the United States

The essay explores the role played by the United States government relating to the care of the ecosphere and whether it has done enough to control or reverse the trend of our life support systems.

Bulimia: Causes and Treatment

Bulimia is an eating disorder which is portrayed by binging on food and subsequently vomiting in several attempts of purging."removal of nutrients in form of purging entails forced vomiting, excessive exercise, laxative use, or fasting [...]

Tōhoku Earthquake of 2011

The rate at which the pacific plate undergoes displacement is at eight to nine centimeter per annum, hence the plate subduction of the plate led to a discharge of large amounts of energy leading to [...]

Product Marketing and Expansion

The marketing mix includes the 4 Ps that are involved in the process of ensuring a product or a service is finally in the hands of the customer, thus these elements should be designed to [...]

Business Strategies to Ensure Innovation

Numerous changes have been experienced in the global business arena and also in the recent years due to the aforementioned factors to a point where it becomes almost impossible to identify the position of a [...]

Perchlorate in Drinking Water

The aim of the EPA is to continue assessing the health effects of perchlorate, along with the science behind their occurrence in public water systems. The state of California also regulates perchlorate as a contaminant [...]

The Use of Criminal Evidence

Secondly, the standard of proof regarding such undue influence in obtaining a confession is to a balance of probabilities, so that if it 'appears' to the court that an accused person's confession was involuntary, the [...]

Ecology Fundamentals: Toxic Chemicals

Toxicity-this is the extent to which a toxic substance is capable of causing injury to a vulnerable organism. Preservatives-these are natural or artificial chemicals added to substances like medicines, paints, and foods to avoid decomposition [...]

Adidas and Its China Strategy

However it is estimated that whatever the price tag, the allure of the Chinese growing market is indeed a big attraction and opportunity to make the best of the market since the sponsorship gives Adidas [...]

Product Pricing Strategies: Segway

An efficient price would therefore ensure that the seller maximizes his profit after factoring in the promotion prices, discounts and incentives all the while the consumer is willing to spend for the good. Unfortunately, the [...]