7 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 37

5,973 samples

Rent Controls: Arguments For and Against

In 1975 the construction of apartments was slowing down and the landlords were outraged by the idea of the government plan to reintroduce rental controls following a spate of sharp rent increases in the country.

Miuccia Prada: Luxury-Fashion Pioneer

The restlessness of her essence makes her perfect in modern-day fashion circles as she absorbs the dynamism of her world. Miuccia Prada is a symbol of the union between fashion and art.

Women, Race & Class

It is expected that most women will joyously accept the advent of what may result from that assumption "househusband," but unfortunately, "the desexualization of domestic labor would not alter the oppressive nature of the work" [...]

Matters of Social Conflicts

The matter of social conflict will be argued and described from the viewpoint of its understanding, acceptance, and how these matters depend on the notions of individualism and universal truth and the inevitability of progress [...]

Welfare and Charity in Society

Even though that there is plenty of evidence as to the fact that biological factors play a very important role, within a context of defining people's social status, the very thought that citizens' racial affiliation [...]

Silk Screen Painting in Art

I also noticed that most of Fazzino's creations have glitter on the edges, a technique that I liked and decided to use in my creation as well.

Conflict and Marriage Satisfaction

To manage solving differences effectively, individuals in a marriage relationship should learn the thinking and positive and negative behaviors of their partners and have a positive perception towards these partners. This leads to unresolved conflicts [...]

Global Warming and Environmental Refugees

Moreover, since environmental refugees have to leave their homelands, the developed countries are responsible for their relocation; thus, have to provide refugees with all the necessary financial and emotional support to ease their adaptation process [...]

Knowing Andy Warhol’s Life and Photography

The Post-Modernist Movement of pop art and culture in the latter half of the twentieth century was a revolutionary movement and it was started by the American artist Andy Warhol's very amundane' looking paintings of [...]

Concept Problem of School Counseling

What is the role of the professional school counselor in your school? The role of school's professional counselors is to indulge in sophistically sounding but utterly meaningless rhetoric, in regards to the sheer importance of [...]

Odysseus Adventures and Fate

The main character of the epic poem Odyssey is Odysseus, the ruler of Ithaca and the brave warrior who is ready to do everything possible and impossible to return home to his wife Penelope and [...]

The Role of Women in Ancient Egypt

Right to the property for married women and their right to private inheritance and inheritance of the community property belonging to the husband was an essential nature of the status of women in Ancient Egyptian [...]

Art and Gender Politics by Hesse and Hatoum

These are deductions as to Hesse's conflict in the subject of the relationship between her art and her life. Hesse wanted to control the play of reference and gender in her works as is apparent [...]

The Forms of Openness by Bloom

The learner should be able to figure out the type of questions they are supposed to ask. The students should ask essential questions that are relevant to the topic of discussion in class.

Poverty in the World

In this paper, we will be looking at the situation of poverty in the world, its causes and the efforts of the international organizations to manage the same.