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Mythological Story of Gilgamesh

Connecting the Story to the Bible: Where the Narrations Cross Being listed among the earliest specimen of the ancient literature, The epic of Gilgamesh bears a certain resemblance to another ancient book, which is the [...]

Criminology: Prisoners with Special Needs

Such prisoners are badly treated by the prison staff and other prisoners mainly because of the discriminatory attitudes that are deeply rooted in society and are more evident in the restricted environment of prisons.

Moon – Solo Dance by Yang LiPing

It could be defined as a large stage ethnic primitive genre if it was not for the complexity of the hidden innuendoes that the interpretation of the dance suggests.

Social Issues: Gentrification in Harlem

Thus, gentrification in Harlem during the period of 2000-2012 is characterized by changes in the community's demographics, household income, and economy connected with the arrival of wealthier residents, increased investment, promoted economic and business activities, [...]

World Cup Workers in Qatar

For the tournament in Qatar to send the peace and unity message that World Cup has been initially designed for, treatment of workers at various sites must be improved.

Managing Conflicts: U.S. Harvest Scandal

Therefore, it can be considered that once the USA Harvest organization had established the principles of transparency as the basis for its organizational strategy, the failure would have been avoided.

Salt and Drinking Water Shortage

Therefore, humanity could reveal that given that the salt would not be willing to negotiate, it is possible to extort the water from the Martians as the resources of Earth are not as essential.

The Insect Effect on Human Life

The number of insects in the world exceeds the number of all the other species taken together. This way, the reduction of the number of pollinating insects will lead to the decline of productivity of [...]

Paintings: Andrew Wyeth Exhibition

The validity of this idea can be illustrated in regards to both: the spatial/representational aspects of the exhibition in question, and the discursive appropriateness of the actual selection of Wyeth's paintings.

Shinto Religious Community

The tradition of Shinto supports the belief in kami, which explains the background of the people's way of life, the attitude to nature and philosophical principles."The overall aims of Shinto ethics are to promote harmony [...]

MacDonald’s New Service Standard

In particular, the author speaks about the decision to reduce the amount of time which is needed to serve clients in the so-called "drive-through" parking spots. This is one of the main pitfalls that should [...]

Steve Tobin’s Ceramic Artworks

Combining the time-honored traditions of ceramics art with some of the most extraordinary approaches, Tobin manages to not only shock the viewers into paying attention, but also create the mind-benders that make the viewers reflect [...]

Crowdsourcing Website Design

The idea is to create a database of various car dealers and spare parts distributors for various vehicle manufacturers, the manufacturers' recommended retail prices of these parts, and the selling prices of these parts as [...]

Origins of the “Final Solution”

In the article "The Holocaust, The Church Struggle and some Christian Reflections" Alice Eckardt presents the idea of the Holocaust is the result of several distinct factors, namely: that it was the culmination of the [...]

Maternal Mortality Reduction

Maternal deaths are mostly attributed to lack of proper medical attention of a skilled health or medical worker, unsafe abortions, excessive bleeding when giving birth and generally lack adequate education to pregnant women on pregnancy [...]