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The Juno Project Overview

In its 13-month orbiting, Juno will explore the conditions and processes central to the formation of planet Jupiter and the rest of the solar system.

Banning the Possession of Guns

Proponents argue that the more uncontrollably the government continues to allow firearms' possession to the public, the higher the chances of acquisition by the 'high risks groups' and hence threatening the public security.

Child Labor and U.S. Industrialization

Improvements to labor laws and an intensified focus on the human rights issue that child labor represents in more recent years have diminished the prevalence of child labor somewhat.

Immigration Laws in Arizona State

Currently, the issue of illegal immigration in the USA heavily dominates USA political forum, the Congress body and even the policy agenda in the federal government and even the states' government.

Interracial Adoption Major Issues

The trends in the selection of children for adoption have changed over time. The recent understanding of the interracial adoption has incorporated similar policies and views of various organizations committed to the social work of [...]

Olga Belyaeva Art and Themes

In the present epoque of post-modernism, the characteristic feature of life on the whole and art, in particular, is the quality of intertextuality, a special alloying of the cultural achievements of the past in the [...]

Defining of a Gang

All gangs have a common characteristic in them which is evident in all the different definitions of gangs, a gang has to have at least a more than two or three members, all members of [...]

The Period of Religious Crisis

In addition the growth in the number of smaller cities meant that in countries which lacked a major metropolis, there was a considerable increase in the proportion of the population living in urban areas, however [...]

An Analysis of Internet Marketing

The World Wide Web, as its name suggests is a global marketplace, allowing anyone with access to the Internet to order products and services just as easily from a supplier on the far side of [...]

Roy Lichtenstein: The Art and Influence

It is quite twisting to consider that Lichtenstein was called the master of the stereotype side by side as the most sophisticated of the major Pop artists in terms of his analysis of visual convention [...]

The Way to Colombian Independence

For Latin America, within a few decades of the independence of 13 of the British colonies to the north, became part of the first wave of "new nations" created out of erstwhile European empires, a [...]

Youth and Sexual Violence Analysis

Youth and sexual violence are some of the categories incorporated in the general topic of violence. However various strategies have been incorporated in a bid to the upward trend of violence.

China: Impact of Energy Production

It was during this period that the government chose coal as an answer to China's energy needs, without being aware of the threat of pollution and the finiteness of oil reserves The Chinese economy developed [...]

Environmental Accounting in Dubai

In addition to the visible costs of compliance with regulations, costs of firms are indirectly affected by environmental regulations when other limitations are included in the production processes, changes in the composition of raw materials, [...]

About Toxicogenomics

The fast improvements and growths of metabonomic-, proteomic-, and genomic-based technologies have increased the use of gene expression for identifying the impacts of chemical and other natural stressors on the organic structure.

The Miseries of Enforced Marriage

However, Qi Hong and Jiang Mei, on the one hand, seem like a love that is falling victim to the expectations of the society because there are a lot of economic and moral considerations.

Progressive Consumption Tax

A consumption tax is a duty on goods and services spent by a household. Third, consumption taxes have a wider base, easier to implement as all consumption levels are taxed and it is considered a [...]