1100-Word Essay Examples. Page 24

7,104 samples

Time Travel: The Paradoxical Effects

The movement in between time in a way that's parallel to movement amid diverse places in space, like sending items back in time or likewise, sending the items to the future minus the experience of [...]

Chad-Cameroon Pipeline Project

Chad and Cameroon have staked on the foreign industrial projects and had a failure comparing to the another example of underdeveloped country which attracts our attention namely the underdeveloped country of the Central America, Costa [...]

Religion and Marxism in Metropolis

Speaking about the way the film addresses religious topics the characters of Maria and John Frederson, the story of Babylon, and the idea of Mediator is to be mentioned.

Human Sexuality Birth Control

They include tubal ligation that involves the cutting of the fallopian tube which supplies ova to the uterus for fertilization it can also be done on men through vasectomy which involves the cutting of the [...]

The Film “Boomerang” Analysis

As the investigation of this case proceeds the attorney comes to the understanding that the prosecuted is not guilty of this murder. From a Kantian perspective, the main protagonist is motivated mainly by his mind [...]

“Hocus Pocus” by Kenny Ortega

The people from the village come to save the girl and her brother but it is too late. The cinematography of the film is quite good for 1993 and even now it is presentable enough [...]

A Life Beyond Category: Duke Ellington

His influence on both is immeasurable and duly credited with the impressive volume of awards he has received both during his life and posthumously, which include, among others, the highest civilian honors of the USA [...]

Principle of Privity of Contract

If one of the sides of the agreement is trusted by a third party with commodities that are a part of the contract, the third party can sue the holder of those goods to enforce [...]

The Personality and Work of Claude Debussy

He was not a simple man to shoulder intelligent, sophisticated, stubborn, and obsessed his affections caused much trouble to the women he had relationships with."Independence is the dominant factor to his character.<...> He hated vulgarity [...]

Emiratisation Research and Practice

The article "Strategy, Policy and Practice in the Nationalization of Human Capital: 'Project Emiratisation'" deals with the phenomenon of Emiratisation the process of the nationalization of human resources in the United Arab Emirates.

Improving Student Achievements

One of the most important and valuable sources of required data are the researches and studies focused on improving students' abilities and their determination to achieve certain highlights in their education.

Music: Orchestras Nowadays

Critiques of music have participated in the debate concerning the ways of improving the prospects of classical music in the country.