1150-Word Essay Examples. Page 12

3,539 samples

Personal Is Political: Margaret Atwood

Her personal experience as a writer and success in different script writings and poetic works enhanced her political capability and ability, hence she could occupy effectively different political positions.

Judicial Activism and Restraint in the United States

The rubric for measuring judicial activism is wide and well elaborated in a continuum of dealings by federal judges such as wrong interpretation of accepted methodology, using a policy that is substantive, adjusting interpretations and [...]

Banking Analysis: Review

The chart shows a continuous increase, with a few years of drop; but the scale of the chart for the most part is upward. The trend of consolidation comes across in the presentation of the [...]

Skin Graft in Tissue Engineering

In this case, tissue engineering seeks to address the problem of organ and tissue failure through the provision of a better and more effective technique such as natural implants, organ mimics that are functional from [...]

A Solar System Business Idea

If the location of this business is favorable, the goal of achieving a turnover of $1 million is tenable. Some of the factors to be considered when coming up with the right marketing mix for [...]

“Burned Alive”: Victimization Theories

Many feminists create movements against honor killings, trying to protect the rights of women in the Middle East; Western people do not understand the tradition of honor killing in Islam and judge every case of [...]

Sunshine Enterprises Quality Control

The areas of focus include the following: Customer Satisfaction It is notable that the owner of the restaurant chains has given some attention to customer satisfaction by making enquiries to customers so that she obtains [...]

McGregor’s X and Y Theories

Based on Maslow's theory, organizations under the management style of theory X rely on the satisfaction of basic needs such as money and other benefits in motivation of their employees.

Prudential Creative Communication

Reviewing the 2011 brief of Prudential on saving for retirement, I chose the components of creating a positive image of ageing, importance of saving and presenting Prudential as a reliable company and a champion in [...]

Managerial Ethics and Theory

Upon presenting this requirement to the management team, there is a high probability of most of them arguing that the firm could be saved from incurring the $ 5 million by not investing in the [...]

Cuban Missile Crisis Management

The US administration of the time believed that Moscow's activities in Cuba were a threat to International security, hence; the ballistic missiles deployed in Cuba enhanced a major security blow to the leadership of United [...]

Gang Violence Policies in the Los Angeles Area

In societies whose democracies are based on people's rights, punishment for crimes committed by convicts is enhanced through the curtailing of some fundamental rights of people, including the right to association and traveling.

American Express Communication Plan

To achieve the desired results, one needs to brainstorm, talk to the communication staff, and meet the board together with the chief executives to talk to the members of the marketing department.

Website Marketing Strategy

Cathy should enhance her current marketing strategy of offering wedding services to the current and prospective customers. In turn, the current and prospective wedding customers can open Cathy's centralized wedding database website.

Social Development in Children

It is based on this that it can be seen that instilling proper social-emotional learning early on in a child's life is of paramount importance in ensuring that they develop the necessary social and emotional [...]

Café: Small Business Idea

To develop the concept of the cafe, I will have to analyze different aspects of the proposed business model including establishing a brand logo, writing down brochures, flyers and more.

Teacher Mentorship Programs in Texas

The increase in teacher mentees is instrumental in the enhancement of the sufficient teaching staff in the region's educational system. Mentors need to have a proper understanding of the vital role that they play in [...]

Gifted Students: Nature and Needs

However, the strengths of gifted students and their linked problems can act as positives to encourage the students to realize their potentials fully despite presence of limitations such as family poverty, social degradation, and substance [...]

Solitary Confinement of Prisoners

Available literature demonstrates that the solitary confinement approach is predicated upon the ideological mindset that the fundamental objective of the prison system is no longer to assist in the rehabilitation of prisoners, but rather to [...]

Matua, Abelam and Baining People’s Masks

In its turn, the design of Abelam mask appears to be subliminal of its creator's deep-seated anxieties as to what he or she perceived as the 'power of eyes' hence, the unnaturally enlarged eyes, featured [...]

Sustainability Program Implementation

All the stakeholders of the change strategy should be made to believe that the program to be scaled and sustained will serve a particular purpose and impact positively to the overall performance of the organization.

Future Leadership Pipeline

To attain the mission and vision of the company, future leaders will require knowledge in marketing and public relations. This will allow them to safeguard positions that are critical to the success of the organization.

Merck & Co: Facilitating Change

The main aim of introducing change in an organization is to improve the current way of doing things to secure better performance in the future that is likely to give the organization competitive advantage.

Safe Medication Administration

The right drug is one of the medication administration rights and it involves the administration of the correct medication therefore the nurses should compare the medication administration records with both the pharmacy labels and the [...]

Estate Problem or Issue in Real Life

Sub-prime mortgage crisis refers to the deterioration of the mortgage market and the losses that are backed by the securities and collateralized debt obligations which are backed by the subprime mortgages.

Stages in Designing New Clothes

However, when the templates are mixed creatively and according to the needs of the target customers, the firm is assured of getting a unique and new design in the industry.

On Change Models Developed by Scholars

At this point, it is vital to communicate the benefits of the new models and gain the support of workers. The main strength of this theory is that it shows how organization should modify their [...]

Employee Career Management Plan

The plan will involve the submission of feedback to the employee, enhancement of the performance of the staff, provision and availability of advancement opportunities as well as educational opportunities and the scheduling of the working [...]

Why Do Nation-States Go to War?

The greatest imperfection of the humans is the thirst for power. The conflict dates back to the 1800s when a group of Jewish extremists called the Zionists, wanted to colonize and convert the Palestine to [...]

Quality Management Tools: DNATA Airlines

Quality management tools and techniques influence the relationship between the organization, her products and the customer. Thus, quality management tools and techniques bridge the gap between client's satisfaction and the quality of the products and [...]

Alan Taylor: American Colonies

The author is successful in relating the 1680 and 1696 revolts in Northern America against the Spanish to natives' dissatisfactions of the religions and economic systems of colonizers.